Adrants Offers Readers 'Mad Men' Goodies


We're going to make this really easy. Mostly because we're just simple like that and because we don't want to pull you away from the foosball table or that cute intern's cubicle for too long. If you watch AMC's Mad Men and you like it, we're offering you a chance to win a coffee table book full of 1960's advertising and a Mad Men branded martini shaker. One Grand Prize winner will get both. Four others will get the martini shakers.

To become eligible to win, all you have to do is tell us in which episode sneak peek (they're all right here) the Roger Sterling character had his morning glass of milk with Smirnoff. That's it. That's all you have to do. Send your answer to [email protected] and we'll enter you in the drawing to win. We'll announce the winners Friday following the season finale this Thursday night.

by Steve Hall    Oct-15-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Announcements, Cable, Promotions   

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You mean I could win an actual branded chotchke? Now *that* is a promotion. Thank you AMC and Mad Men, in partnership with Adrants for bringing me this opportunity.

Posted by: kate on October 16, 2007 10:44 PM