Advertising's Old-School Tonnage Model Irks Reader

An Adrants reader has some pleading words for those behind the Toyota media buy. "Can't Toyota come up with another commercial to rotate with that stupid 'ran out of gas' ad with the girl laughing at her date? Every day every channel, I'm over it."
Can't the ad industry come up with another method of advertising than the old school tonnage model? Aren't we past that yet? Are we still dumb enough to think people want to see the same crap over and over again? Aren't we smart enough to realize this is chance to go to the client and ask for more money to produce a new commercial every one (except this guy, apparently) will skip over with their DVRs? Aren't we aware the consumer has been burned out since the turn of the century? Aren't we smart enough to come up with something better? Aren't we?
The repetitive commercial ads seems to be the not-creative way of battling the DVRs of the users ... but it is not working. There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today noting that commercial space for the Superbowl is close to being sold out already. The theory is that more people will watch the Superbowl live versus recording it. With this information, networks will start looking at moving popular television shows to less competitive time slots.
If I watched as little TV as the average American, I wouldn't see the same ads so many times. Those of us who are TV immersed, tend to get fed up with the repetitive ads. Oddly enough, I haven't seen the ad mentioned above, but I can't get enough of the ones where they perform extreme tests on the Toyota trucks.
Maybe if there was a limitation set on the media buy, where your spot would only air once during a particular program. I hate seeing the same ad three times when I watch an hour-long show.