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Did you ever watch the musical episode of Buffy? The one where people randomly leap into choreographed song-and-dance, betraying all their innermost thoughts and secrets, before bursting into flames?
This is kind of like that. Except there aren't any random combustion deaths, and bystanders are offered 50 percent off theatre tickets at
It all went down at Stansted Airport, London. Cameras were placed in strategic locations around the waiting area. Then 14 plainclothes actors -- including a dude dressed like airport police -- performed a playful musical number, catalyzed by a girl whose money was eaten by the vending machine.
Signs around the area ask, "When was the last time you went to the theatre?"
The effort was probably inspired by Improv Everywhere's food court musical in LA, where an employee from Hot Dog Stick starts singing for a napkin. (Also see its Grand Central freeze job, which inspired a Law & Order: SVU copycat.)
Thanks go out to in:fluencia, which always sends us such awesome stuff from the European market.