Jim Beam Becomes Patron to Those With Stuff Inside


In a significant move, distiller Jim Beam will re-focus future advertising from hyping heritage, quality and integrity and, instead, "highlight individuals and organizations that share its own values and have 'The Stuff Inside'", which is not at all a nod to, ya know, the stuff inside a Jim Beam bottle.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-29-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good

Newsflash! Adrants to Speak at Social Networking Conference!


Yea, yea, yea. I can hear it now. "I need another social media conference like I need diarrhea during a new business pitch!" But this one's different. I'll be there. You'll have the perfect opportunity to hear me make a fool of myself while pretending to know what the hell social media actually is. Thankfully, there will panelists there who do know can help you make use of social media (or whatever the hell you want to call it) for the betterment of your business. More specifically, the conference will focus on the social networking aspect of social media.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-29-08    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events, Social

'American Dream' Documentary to Examine America's Consumer Culture


Filmmaker Joel Christian McEwan is in the process of developing American Dream, a documentary film which will examine America's obsession with material possessions and the corporate culture that fuels and profits from that obsession. Featuring Danny Glover, Ed Begley Jr., Jean Kilbourne, Howard Zinn and many others, American Dream will try to make sense America's consumer culture, it's causes and its effects. And he needs our help.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-29-08    
Topic: Announcements, Trends and Culture

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