The Ultimate Guide To A Lead Magnet Funnel That Will Boost Your Subscriber Rate


The average employee receives hundreds of emails per day. Many of the promotional emails that people receive are never opened. So let me ask you this: how many people do you think are willing to let you fill their cluttered inboxes even more?

The answer is very few. That's very disappointing because email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels.

Luckily, lead magnet funnels provide a unique way of growing your email list. The strategy incentivizes website visitors to provide their contact details with an irresistible value proposition.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-23-21    
Topic: Online

Two of the Best Marketing Strategies for SMBs in 2021


Marketing has gone through an overhaul over the past few years. The traditional stalwarts of the marketing world have been subverted by newer, more accessible and more effective forms of marketing.

Digital advertising has toppled print and TV as the focus for small businesses in the UK. A consistent, focused strategy that is designed to snare a particular demographic should yield invaluable outcomes.

But, if you're not well-versed in the new world of marketing, how can you discern which strategies are valuable and which are an ill-advised choice for a small business hoping to snag new customers?

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by Steve Hall    Jun-23-21    
Topic: Brands

6 Digital Marketing Trend You Must Follow This Year


Digital marketing practice and efforts help to increase the online visibility of your brand. It takes the best digital marketing efforts to increase brand awareness. Increasing brand awareness helps to increase chances of making sales.

Digital marketing efforts are constantly changing. Factors related to the needs and behaviors of web users affect the current digital marketing practice. To ensure that it is employing the best digital marketing practice, brands have to stay on top of the trends. Here are six digital marketing trends to follow this year.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-22-21    
Topic: Trends and Culture