Pits Pit One Another In Pizza Making Contest

Another brilliant ad for Axe uses dueling pizza makers, horny women and Broadway-style dancing to drive home its message.
Another brilliant ad for Axe uses dueling pizza makers, horny women and Broadway-style dancing to drive home its message.
wait. u think this ad is brilliant? the one where the dough goes under the dudes arm? i dunno. pretty estupido.
wait. u think this ad is brilliant? the one where the dough goes under the dudes arm? i dunno. pretty estupido.
Yeah, that ad blows. So hammy.
I'm sorry, that ad is Horrible. Not only is it way off the global brand strategy, but it's a gross idea and badly executed. Just my opinion of course.
I like everything but the pit-rub sequence. If they could have just found a way to get the point across without the sweaty sauce. It is gross. "Perhapsa thay lika thata pita-juicea" thing over there. But way off here. No global appeal.
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