Lures Women With Men Suffering From Bachelorism

For, Hanft Raboy has created a campaign that positions bachelorism as a disease with as the cure. And, because so many men have some to for the cure, is promoting that fact to attract women to the dating site. It's an interesting twist on most dating site advertising which always targets the guy with images of hot women. This campaign is all dressed up like a medical campaign humorously urging women to check out the collection of men who have admitted to have bachelorism by explaining they are perfectly ready to lead a normal life as one half of a couple. You can check out the site here and three of the print ads here, here and here. (PDFs)
This might be a disease I'd like to hang onto. I've always had a phobia of bitchism.
You're wise, Daniel
This is a clever and humorous campaign. Was the creative done in-house or does use an external agency? If an outside agency, which one?
Hanft Raboy & Partners in New York is's agency and they did this,
Can you guys read? The first sentence of the article tells you who created this.