Honda Element Crab Wants Job Back, Starts Petition

We have no idea how long this has been around but Adrants reader Steve Poland tells us he saw a text ad on Google which read, "Help save the crab. Gil the MySpace crab lost his job. Sign the petition to get him back." The ad linked to SavetheCrab, a site that pleads for people to sign a petition so Gil can get his job back after having been fired for apparently saying "I pinch" too many times in Honda Element commercial which can. of course, be viewed on the accompanying MySpace page. Eesh.
The crab also got "pinched" himself on the smoking gun. very fun and clever advertorial.
Oh yea, and I bought a shirt. I think it will help me with the ladies.
Does anyone other than the agency who made this really care about the crab?
Does anyone other than the agency who made this really care about the crab?
It's shite, done a million times before and no, of course normal folk don't give a flying fuck.
uh, look at the myspace profile, you looks like more than a couple people seem to be interested
I agree with mike. Adam Rant, keep taking the bitter pill. Man, life must have thrown you a curveball. Are you an armchair creative who never made it out of the mailroom? Must my armchair diagnosis.
I would also guess you are under 5'5"
(I'm posting my comment twice, even with the typo. I wanted to show unity with adguy, who did his twice. But I imagine that was user error!)
I agree with mike. Adam Rant, keep taking the bitter pill. Man, life must have thrown you a curveball. Are you an armchair creative who never made it out of the mailroom? Just my armchair diagnosis.
I would also guess you are under 5'5"
I purchased some "i pinch" toddler wear for my son and his friend. They think the add is funny.
Does it matter if it is an ad? I mean, art takes all strange forms.
And what are they really advertising? T-shirts? Crabs?
I'm confused.
I purchased some "i pinch" toddler wear for my son and his friend. They think the add is funny.
Does it matter if it is an ad? I mean, art takes all strange forms.
And what are they really advertising? T-shirts? Crabs?
I'm confused.
I wanted to post the same exact comment twice, too, just to feel hip and included.
I wanted to post the same exact comment twice, too, just to feel hip and included. Almost.
Oh look, a comment from 'Robbie,bobbie,ricky and mike' creators of the savethecrab campaign. He (or they) are bitter because most people are ging to find their gimmick as inane, idiotic, moronic and stupid.
Oh look, a comment from 'Robbie,bobbie,ricky and mike' the creators of the savethecrab campaign. He (or they) are bitter because most people are going to find their gimmick as inane, idiotic, moronic and stupid.
Hey crab gimmick sucks. I am a creative and work for deutsch you f'in mailroom flunky, but I thought this shit was pretty funny. Just because I didn't create the advertising doesn't mean I have to hate on it.
You are seriously bitter dude, but I know your type. Actually, your type delivers me adweeks every monday.
I revise my last statement about your height. I think you are 5'4" You should leave the comments to people in the game, shorty.
Not that it matters but: Crabgimmicksucks is a 5'10" schoolbus driver in Pittsburgh and has never been in a mailroom and is not "Adguy" "Adam Rant" nor any other commentator on this site. Crabgimmicksucks is a consumer who is supposed to be attracted to a product or service by marketing/advertising and not annoyed by it.
I came here because I love the crab, actually, I was searching for lonely girl15 and this came up. She is hot, even though manufactured.
I never comment, but this thread is funny. I especially like crab gimmick sucks. First of all, to assume that anyone with an opinion other than his is the creator of the website is amazingly vain. The "his" is misogynistic as well. But even better (and I had to call my girlfriends to see this) that his argument is that he is 5'10 and a busdriver in Putz burg. I could go on about this all night.
By the way, if you are not at least 6'0 you should say that you are. No one would ever know. And a busdriver? This is the internet, you don't have to live the same sorry existence you do day to day!
back to my margaritas!
I think the crab is cute. Viva la Pinch!
I thought I was the only one who realized that the under 6 ft busdriver from PA is a highly coveted demographic.
I agree with the chick. THis is a great comment thread.
p.s. I am 6'2" (seemed relevant to the thread)
Yikes! I don't think I like the "savethecrab" thingy. It seems to make people..... crabby.
If I sign the petition do I get a chance to win a car.
I think the busdriver was just joking and pointing out that he's not the "Adam Rant" guy.
Since we're mentioning height, I'm 7'5"
Royalty Free Beats For One Dollar
Royalty Free Beats For One Dollar
The BK guy is tall. That should count for something. Fucking crispin really knows that tall guys get all the action in the US of A.
I think only people 6' and above should be allowed to comment. Just my opinion.
crispin Rules. Even more than Tequila. Seriously. King me
First, I'm 6�1� and I am neither a bus driver nor am I from PA. I am not Adam Rant. I *have been* mistaken for LonelyGirl15, but that's probably because I tell people that I'm LonelyGirl15. If the truth be known, I'm LonelyStan17.
Regardless, the Crab has gotten his job back and appears to be free of all charges levied against him. The real offender appears to be some Lobster named Daniel. So, for now on, I am going to tell people that I am Daniel "The Lobster".
I like the lobster because I actually have more friends than him on myspace. The crab was starting to look like a myspace-whore... just look at how many friends he has. I thought that he was accepting all requests like Bk and Wendy's do. But, he wasn't. My friend request was rejected. I got a "You've been pinched" e-mail, but he did not accept my friend request.
So, is Gil fake? Is Gil just like LonelyGirl15? Could it be a whole �SuperMan/Clark Kent� thing? Are they the same person? What's wrong with working in a mailroom? What's right about Donny Deutch?
I am glad that the internet exists. I am glad that we have freedom of speech. I am glad that we thirty-second spurts of comedy during my hour-long dramas.
So are you guys all Ad Guys? Is the ad community really that prejudice against short people?
Isn't Crispin some British shite? And tequilla is a drink?
You guys must all know each other. It must be nice to have friends. Good friends are hard to come by.
I wish Gilmore Girls was on tonight. Do you think that is how Gil the crab got is name? GIL-more?
I'm only going to post this comment once. I think that it is too long to post twice.
Thanks for keeping it real.
Well, It has been six months, a whole half of a year since I saw this and commented. I still have not heard anything, anywhere about the "savethecrab petition" advertising other than this Adrant page(blog?). Is the "SavetheCrab" routine(?) still going but I'm missing it? Has it ended?
Their advertising worked in at least one backwards kind of way, Seeing this discussion on Adrants caused me to consider seeing if the Honda Element would be easier for me to fit into than my old car.
^ Last sentence should read, "Element would be easier for me to fit into rather than my old car."
(and I don't play basketball.)