Carvel Ice Cream Advergame Might Get the Kids Grounded

"Honey, what are you doing in there? You've been on the computer all afternoon."
"Playing CookiePussTeroids!"
".......What was that?"
"Mo-om, I'm saving Cookie Puss from getting a faceful of cone!"
If that's not sufficiently crash-worthy, "CookiePussTeroids" is also spelled wrong.
by Angela Natividad
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Topic: Bad, Brands, Games, Online, Promotions, Strange
Topic: Bad, Brands, Games, Online, Promotions, Strange
This game is so awesome. If you play to level 69 there's a scary boss and everything goes upside down.
Yeah, but the Ice Cream Falls game is frighteningly addictive!
Still spelled wrong... If they do spell it right, maybe they'll get the caps wrong and make it CookiePusSteroids which can take the game in a whole new (Olympic themed) direction.