Wieden + Kennedy Offices Better Than Website
We have to admit, the Portland Oregon offices of Wieden + Kennedy are certainly much nice than their website. Check out the digs here. Not a bad place to hang out all day.
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« Prev 28-Oct-05 |
| Next 31-Oct-05 »
Wieden + Kennedy Offices Better Than WebsiteWe have to admit, the Portland Oregon offices of Wieden + Kennedy are certainly much nice than their website. Check out the digs here. Not a bad place to hang out all day. 50 Cent Stumps The Bubble ProjectApparently, 50 Cent and his movie campaign have stymied the efforts of The Bubble Project, a grassroots effort which placed 15,000 stickers on ads around New York City allowing people to add commentary to ads The Bubble Project says are over running public space. Flicker user and College Humor partner Jackob Lodwick who notes the sticker on the movie poster has been blank for two days and wonders if people are simply too scared of 50 Cent to make a comment. Recently, several posters for the 50 Cent movie "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" caused complaints for their glorification of violence and were taken down by the movie's studio, Paramount. Dockers Says No to Metrosexuals, Sell Clothes![]() According to Whois, his site may have been around since Summer but if it has been, we missed it. So there's our disclaimer for all your freaks who think nothing less than two seconds old should find its way to these pages. Anyway, Levi's Dockers division has launched Say No To Metro and goes to great lengths to spoof the whole metrosexual thing all while selling Dockers. The site is set up like one of those affliction sites with areas such as "Are You At Risk?", Awareness" and "Prescriptions." Prescriptions, of course, being Dockers clothing designed to cure all Metrosexual ills. There's a reflex text in which images such as burger versus phoofy sandwiches and beer versus cosmopolitan choices are presented. There's a "Stop the Plucker" test in which the amount of eyebrow plucking determines ones level of Metrosexual-ness. And there's a "Guy-cologist" area in which a hottie nurse offers a host of exams. Even if the site was launched this past summer, wasn't the whole metrosexual thing over like a year ago? Vespa Queens Looks For Queens in Vespa AdThe Bitchless blog has pointed out that, leveraging its Queens, NY location to reach the gay audience, Vespa Queens has placed an ad in gay newspaper New York Blade. This really isn't news other than the the cute word play between the name of the Vespa dealer, Vespa Queens, and the queens who read New York Blade.
« Prev 28-Oct-05 |
| Next 31-Oct-05 »
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