This year's World Cup was, perhaps, the biggest, most exciting, most watched World Cup ever. At least here in the United States where we are still coming to the realization that real football involves a round, usually white ball that players move by kicking it with their foot.
And, of course, marketers were all over the scene. Here's a look at what several marketers did to boost their brands during the World Cup with tips you can apply to your marketing programs any time of the year.
Download this white paper from Spredfast now and see what Fox, McDonald's, adidas and other did to score marketing wins during the World Cup

Oh you've gotta love those online college degree schools for their content marketing savvy. They've mastered the art of creating compelling and informative infographics that double as a promotion for the school.
That's not a slam. Just an acknowledgment. Anyway, here's a well thought out inforgraphic from Best Marketing Degrees on viral marketing. It's got examples of successful virals. It's got examples of failed virals. It's got tips on what you can do to increase the likelihood your content will go viral and its got tips to keep you out of hot water.
Check it out below.
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Last year, the 3% Conference held its inaugural event. In various ways, the conference came at the fact that just 3% of creative directors are women. I was there and it was an insightful, educational experience.
Sadly, I can't make this year's conference but there is good news to share. The conference may have to change its name because women now make up 11% of all creative directors.
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The old adage, "you get what you pay for" may no longer be true when it comes to traditional paid media investments. Effectiveness of traditional advertising and paid media - TV, newspaper, print - is on the decline, so marketers are choosing to push their dollars to social advertisements. In fact, 62% of marketers expect to increase their spending on Facebook marketing, along with other social media sites, over the next year.
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Native advertising pioneer MGID identified the top-ten Internet content trends for the first half of 2014 today, having aggregated engagement and virility from millions of visitors to more than 3,000 entertainment, lifestyle and sports websites. Flash games topped the list as the type of content that had the best "click factor" among the visitors of the MGID network thus far in 2014
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We're midway through the World Cup and with fans around the world cheering on their teams, social media is, of course buzzing. Taking a look at the buzz, real-time customer engagement platform Engagor, took a look at the official World Cup sponsors to gauge the success of their social media activities
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As the advertising industry celebrates itself this week in Cannes for all the gloriously perfect work it does, let's take a look at what really goes on behind the scenes. This detailed infographic from FinancesOnline takes a look at how ads deceive, trick, lie and generally screw with reality.
Think about that as you walk onstage to receive your Lion
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Taking a look at Urban Outfitters sponsorship of HBO's Girls and positing 6 advantages of social sponsorships, Spredfast is out with a report which serves up 5 ways brands can get more out of their sponsorships.
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So it's said that Facebook and Twitter together have 1.5 billion monthly active users. And it's safe to say most brands are engaged in some form of marketing on either or both of the platforms. But are brands doing all they can to leverage these platforms for lead generation?
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Don't be discouraged by Facebook's organic reach decline. Learn from experts how to continue to drive ROI with social.
It is now harder than ever to reach your audience online: new channels are fragmenting audiences, Facebook's organic reach has declined to as low as 2%, and impressions of branded content are declining.
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