AOL just now released its results for the top-ranked ads in its 6th Annual AOL Super Sunday Ad Poll, sponsored by Verizon. Here's the top five:
1. Budweiser Clydesdale/dalmatian ad
2. Bridgestone squirrel spot
3. Coca-Cola's Balloons
4. Life Water's Thriller
5. E-Trade's talking baby spot
"Advertisers bring their 'A' games to the Super Bowl commercials, and Budweiser scored an impressive victory this year as the best of the best," gushed GM Derrick Heggans of AOL Sports. Nothing new there.
Gotta say we're glad the Coke Balloons spot made it into somebody's top five. But what'd we tell you? There's no beating Rocky. Maybe next time, Charlie Brown.
Looky, Looky! It's Obama Girl, aka Amber Lee Tettinger...and her curves... introducing the results of this year's MediaCurves Super Bowl commercial study. And we thought all she did was Barely Political Work., Hmm.
This particular study, which surveyed 2,400 Super Bowl viewers (eat that, USA Today!), declared the FedEx Pigeon ad the best commercial of the year. Following FedEx were Budweiser's Clydesdales commercial, Coke's balloon commercial, Diet Pepsi's Head Bob, Bridgestone's Squirrel, E-Trade's baby, Bud Light's Caveman and others.
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That bastion of scientific accuracy otherwise known as the USA Today Super Bowl Ad Meter has crowned Budweiser's Clydesdale Dalmatian commercial the highest scoring ad.
We don't disagree but are saddened Coke's It's Mine beautiful balloon ballet didn't take top spot. It did, however, place 7th which is pretty good.
Rounding out the top 10 were FedEx's Pigeons, Bridgestone's Critters, Doritos Rat (an ad from last year, no less), Bud Light's Fire Breather, Bud Light's Wine and Cheese, Diet Pepsi Max's head-bobbing Nod, Planter's uni-brow woman (WTF?), Tide to Go and Sobe Life Water's Naomi Campbell/Dancing Lizards.
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Nothing like the threat of a rising new economy to get the blood flowing (thanks, Vlad!). Internet-wise, there's a lot happening in Russia: became its first billion-dollar online company, Blackberries plan to invade, LiveJournal was sold to a Russian firm that aspires to go global -- starting with the US, and in September Russia led total growth in European internet adoption.
The Quintura blog put together a short list of significant deals that occurred in December amongst Russian internet companies.
Russia's urban middle class has expensive taste and money to spare. Time to start thinking eastward, da?
- This is just weird. A little Trans Siberian Orchestra. A little Santa Claus playing guitar. And a beard that won't stay on.
- The NBA has announced it will broadcast replays of memorable games on Joost.
- Working Tailgate Technologies, Paramount Vantage has launched a banner campaign for The Kite Runner which allows people to go through the entire ticket purchase process inside the banner. Check out one of the banners here.
- Rubicon Project CEO Frank Addante explains why Silicon Valley isn't the only place where dot com business occurs and why LA is carries just as much weight.
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We smell something fishy behind the eBillme Confessions contest.
The $20,000 grand prize winner for eBillme Confessions was a girl who bought her boyfriend a Plasma TV so he'd give her an engagement ring.
Is it just us or does her boyfriend look suspiciously like this dude, who won $1,000 just weeks ago?
Adrants declares shenanigans!
Here's a crazy notion -- demonstrating the success of your online "viral" with real-live numbers. Vague claims of "brand resonance" be damned!
For its uber-creepy Elf Yourself campaign -- enjoying a souped-up second year run -- OfficeMax has listed the following figures that (maybe?) demonstrate its success.
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Ah yes, it's the end of the year and time for all those wrap up, bests, worsts and just plain wrong lists. Recently, TippingSprung (now there's a brand name with its own problems) conducted a Brand Extension Survey which sought to determine the worst brand extensions of the year. Topping the list was Precious Moments which came out with a coffin based on the company's cutesy collectibles.
In second place was the Humane Society which came out with a Dog Lovers Wine Club and in third was Hooters for its Girls Gone Wild apparel line. Hooters also topped the food extension list with its Hooters energy drink. In past years, Hooters stuck out as well for its Hooters airline brand extension.
Ries & Ries Laura Ries, in reaction to the findings, put it succinctly, telling BrandWeek, "Hooters doesn't stand for energy. It stands for boobs and chicken." You've got to wonder if father Al passed the baton to Laura on this one for good reason. Listening to Al discuss boobs would be as skeevy as reading an article about boobs written by some horny male ad slut like Steve Hall.
Even though Facebook has backed off its Beacon advertising system which many people called invasive, a recent Computer Associates study finds Facebook still snoops into user's affiliate site activity. Computer Associates PestPatrol Research Engineer, writing on the company's blog said, "Facebook is collecting information about user actions on affiliate sites regardless of whether or not the user chose to opt out, and regardless of whether or not the user is logged into Facebook at that time."
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Tell Reynolds they don't need to pull their print ads after all. A team at the University of Michigan waded through 50 years of research and concluded media violence is as hazardous as smoking.
Violent video games and television shows were targeted, with children more heavily influenced by what they see than adults, although women and men are equally likely to engage in violence they've seen in the media.
Well, hey. After our WoW sessions we've just got to grab a scimitar and kick some burly guy's ass. And don't even get us started on Heroes.