Today, the 6,000th member joined AdGabber, a Ning-powered community site for the advertising industry. Created and managed by Adrants, the site offers all the usual social networking goodies such as photos, videos, forums, groups, events, jobs, blogs, profile pages, news feeds, commercial and all kinds of other networking goodness.
If you're in the ad business, you should be hanging out at AdGabber so you can find out what everyone else in the industry is doing and then copy it...uh...get inspired and motivated to create your own masterpiece.
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Yea, yea, yea. I can hear it now. "I need another social media conference like I need diarrhea during a new business pitch!" But this one's different. I'll be there. You'll have the perfect opportunity to hear me make a fool of myself while pretending to know what the hell social media actually is. Thankfully, there will panelists there who do know can help you make use of social media (or whatever the hell you want to call it) for the betterment of your business. More specifically, the conference will focus on the social networking aspect of social media.
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Filmmaker Joel Christian McEwan is in the process of developing American Dream, a documentary film which will examine America's obsession with material possessions and the corporate culture that fuels and profits from that obsession. Featuring Danny Glover, Ed Begley Jr., Jean Kilbourne, Howard Zinn and many others, American Dream will try to make sense America's consumer culture, it's causes and its effects. And he needs our help.
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So like yea. Angela and I have been on Twitter forever and we love it. We find news. We find insight. We share ideas. We offer opinion. We discuss advertising stuff. We find out who's saying what at conference before anyone else does. And we hang with the AdWeek crew. (We'd happily hang with the Ad Age crew if they were actually on Twitter.)
So follow us. Yes, follow us and find out just what the hell Angela and I do all day long. Angela's at @luckthelady and I'm at @stevehall.
Oh, and if you just want Adrants headlines via Twitter, follow @adrants.
So we have two conference passed to the Generational Communications 2008 X + Y + Boomers conference to be held June 19 from 1:30P to 6P at the Graduate Center/CUNY on Fifth Avenue in New York City. The conference will examine generational usage of the Internet and how that usage has changed over the years.
If you're interested in going the first two people who email [email protected] will get the passes.
So it's been what, over two years since those cute little bubbles and that martini glass graced the pages of Adrants? Have you had enough? Are you ready to physically stick a pin through your screen hoping those damn bubbles will pop and disappear forever? Down a case of Hendricks gin so there's none left to fill the glass?
Yes, friends, we are going into re-design and, in a stunningly brilliant realization, we figured we'd ask our readers what they think of the current design and content since, you know, you guys do this sort of thing for a living. It's not often every website can ask it's audience for input and have that input come with a bit of expertise as opposed to some other people we're familiar with who can't seem to come up with any other than, "can you make the logo bigger?"
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Adrants is pleased to announce the addition of a squad of writers who will join Angela and me to bring you more of what you've come to love. Five social media junkies who all met at Emerson College in Boston and now work/intern at Schneider Associates will contribute to Adrants on a semi-regular basis.
Each will bring their own flavor of editorial prowess to Adrants. Mostly, they'll focus on the proliferation of social media and what that means both to people who have embedded themselves within the increasing social aspects of online life and to marketers trying to reach this hyper-connected, digitally-distributed, socially-savvy crowd.
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OH: "It's about time those pompous fuck heads over at Adrants got over themselves and started writing like normal human beings without all that stupid "we" shit." OK so that wasn't actually an overheard from Twitter but it might as well have been. But that "we" shit has, indeed, been put out of its sorry-ass misery.
Yes, it's true. Over the weekend, Angela and I grabbed our digital sabers, dove head first into the vast archives of Adrants, swam through the sea of ones and zeros until we found that pretentious pile of cowardly grandiloquence hiding behind a pile of PUMA Cum Shot digits and promptly whacked his digital ass to piece Saw-style.
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OK so we're going to do this group video chat thing with ooVoo, a new company that's out with a group video chat product that is said to have higher visual quality. Because ooVoo allows for six people to chat at the same time, we're going to host several group chats during which readers of Adrants can chat with myself, Steve Hall, and/or Co-Editor Angela Natividad.
The event, called My ooVoo Day, will occur February 12, 13 and 15 at 2:30 and 2:45 PM EST each day. During the 15 minute chat sessions, we'll gab about ads, the Super Bowl, your work, those Salesgenie ads and anything else you want to talk about.
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Our partnership with Business Development Institute's Diversity conference series will host Advertising and Marketing Experienced Hire Diversity Recruiting Program, otherwise known as AdEx Chicago during the week of March 10 -14 at the Chicago Regent Business Centers.
The goal of the event will be to confidentially match job seekers with hiring companies. This follows the successful initial outing last year in New York during Advertising Week 2007.
For more information, check out the website here.