YOU COULD WORK AT... (insert dream shop). So it's come to begging. Forget Twitter RFPs, stand back and watch as thousands compete for just four paid 30-day long creative gigs at major agencies. Just have your resume and portfolio ready along with a YouTube clip (below). Oh, and the clip has to be you humiliating yourself in public saying the words "I deserve a Big Ad Gig."
Their logic: "Whether you choose The Mall of America or your local petting zoo, the important thing is to make your declaration loudly and proudly to the general public: since they're going to be the ultimate judges of everything you create in Advertising, it's only fair that they be the first group to evaluate your work." (Because the public is always right there with you at 1:00 am when you're coming up with concepts.)
Ennnnyway, the winners of Apprentice Knockoff 2 will be announced Sept. 24th during next month's Ad Week 2009. For more details, check out the rules here.
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Top brands for this year? Millward Brown's top BrandZ of 2009 has Google at number one--and Marlboro at number 10. Talk about branding! (Via.)
Remember that contest we held last week? Of course you don't so we'll tell you about it again. Those who correctly guessed the color of the bikini the girl sleeping on the couch at Cannes had on (green), would be entered into a drawing to win a copy of Killed Ideas, a blurb-produced book highlighting fifty ideas that were never produced.
Now that you're all up to speed, we're pleased to announce Ryan Kiernan, a brand communications intern at 1-800 Flowers won the drawing. We;ll be sending him a copy of Killed Ideas soon
Sadly, we don't get a lot of comments here on Adrants. We hope that's because the commenting system is so terrible none of you want to bother (and not because nothing here is comment-worthy). But with the debut (finally!) of a new commenting system, we hope that changes and you'll all go comment crazy on us.
The new system comes from Disqus. It's threaded. It's hooked up to Facebook Connect. It'll tweet your comment. You can rate comments. If you mention an Adrants article on Twitter, Facebook, Digg, YouTube or on your blog, a link to that mention will appear under the article here on Adrants. It's commenting on social media steroids.
So if you've really wanted to voice your opinion in the past but haven't because you're sick of clicking "post" and waiting three hours for your comment to appear, please give commenting a try again. We think you will be pleased.
And if you're can always leave a comment to that effect.
"Hey Steve, what's up. Nah, just wanted to give you a heads-up on where I'm at before you guys get back. Trying to finish up a Werther's Caramel House Party thing. No, yeah, the grandfather chocolate people. From like the 80s, yeah. They're doing some kind of house party chocolate women thing this Saturday. No, just like housewives and shit for a girls' night in, but yeah, strippers and hot caramel takes it places too. Huh? About 15,000 people signed up so far.
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In response to KFC's free Chicken Monday, Southern California-based El Pollo Loco is going them one better by inviting people to try their food free on Tuesday April 28th until 8:00 pm. FREE IS THE NEW...! See all the gory details here.
*waits for Burger King to announce counter-gueril... er, chicken stunt*
Let's just call it what it is: Product placement. Branded entertainment? Documercials? Infotainment? Whatever. It's still product placement, just handled a little more deftly these days, (but not always). Last night, Colbert does his usual straight act on steroids routine and plugged away as Heifer International West African program director Elizabeth Bintliff took it in stride. Can't find fault with it though because it's for a good cause. Heifer is the latest to get some brand love outside of a commercial, even though they've been around since 1944.
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Just because Adrants is Boston-based, doesn't mean we're rubbing it in or anything. But why not celebrate today with a little old time hockey dance and our new favorite character, yah! If you're a Canadiens fan, you can't bear to watch though. GET IT? Funny, eh! Post-jump bear freaks.
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Bears not your thing? Try growing one for the team. If, your team is the Boston Bruins. Sorry Ranger fans. More info on this Cenergy work at and in the clip below.
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Give him a break ladies, it's cold out. To promote the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival, Ogilvy came up with this spot showing the fun you can have with the locals in NYC. This year's festival opens on Wednesday April 22 and runs through Sunday May 3, 2009. Say hi to Bobby if you see him.