'Eye On' Aims to Provide Proof of Marketing's Financial Performance


Black Ink, a division of Boston-based Winsper, has announced Eye On Enterprise Marketing ROI Suite, a cloud-based offering that provides brands with empirical evidence regarding marketing's contribution to the bottom line. Eye On reports on more than 50 interdependent key performance indicators (KPIs) across Marketing ROI, Customer ROI, and Business ROI. It is said to work with any database environment including enterprise resource planning (ERP), sales force automation (SFA), marketing resource management (MRM), marketing automation (MA), and point of sale (POS).

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by Steve Hall    Jan-17-13    
Topic: Tools

EverydayActors Aims to Become iStockPhoto For Video


Toronto ad agency exec Kyle Hosick has launched EverydayActors, a site that ams to change the way video talent is sought. In a way, it's like iStockPhoto for video. Creative types can source talent for their video needs.

Users can browse the database to find exactly who they need (based on location, gender, age, ethnicity, special features and style like "geek chic") and negotiate the gig directly with the actor. The site doesn't take any kind of back-end percentage or charge a fee. Actors pay $20 to create a profile.

For marketers who need an "everyday" person to serve as an extra, a face, or an actor in a video for a campaign, this just might be worth checking out.

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-12    
Topic: Agencies, Tools, Video

Starbucks Most Photographed Logo on Instagram


A new startup, GazeMetrix, can identify brand logos in Instagram photos. The service, which uses image recognition software, was originally developed to detect which apps people have on their devices by pointing them at each other. When that effort didin't pan out, the developers redirected their efforts.

The service, which will eventually rollout to Facebook and Twitter, makes it easy for brands to contact Instagram users who have posted branded logos and ask permission to reuse them on their own branded channels.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-11-12    
Topic: Research, Social, Tools

OneSpot Marries Benefits of Content Marketing With Reach of Advertising


A couple weeks ago , I was briefed on a new company called OneSpot. Headed by venture capitalist and former head of interactive at the Houston Chronicle, Matt Cohen, the new company transforms existing content into ads that look more like content than ads.

After the briefing, I said the offering was "the perfect marriage of content marketing with the power and infrastructure of advertising." Yes, I really said that and yes, that quote is front and center on the OneSpot website which launches today.

Recently, so much has been written about content marketing which, as part of inbound marketing, is all about making sure the right information is in the right place when people come looking for it. But, people don't always know what to look for and they don't always know which available products and services could benefit them. Hence, the need for outbound marketing.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-12    
Topic: Brands, Social, Tools

Digital Asset Management: Sexy? You Bet


This guest post is written by Nina Brakel-Schutt, Business Development Strategist at Widen.

Establishing a system for storing, managing and distributing logos, photos, audio, video, design files and other digital assets to clients is probably the least sexy aspect of creative work.

However, agencies that fail to get the right assets to clients on time, every time, face losing accounts in a digitally driven marketplace that moves at warp speed.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-20-12    
Topic: Tools

How Real Time Bidding Can Improve Your Display Advertising


If you're creating online campaigns (from a creative or media standpoint) and you want to make sure you have the right creative on the right site with the right offer matched up to the right landing page, you might want to watch this interview with EngageBDR Client Services Director Andy Dhanik. In the interview, he talks about how his system can integrate with existing ad servers and optimize creative pairings (landing page, banner, purchased site). It's a bit technical but isn't everything about advertising these days? That said, don't toss it off. It matters.

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-12    
Topic: Online, Tools, Video

MixRank Improves Online Creative by Analyzing Successes And Failures


Competitive creative research has always been an important element when developing online creative. Finding that competitive information, though, is often tedious. MixRank has launched a product that makes it easy to find your competitor's online ads and other online sources that drive traffic to their site. The service can also determine which ads have worked and which haven't providing insight which can be used to craft more effective ads.

Check out this interview with MixRank Co-Founder Illya Lichtenstein. In the interview, Lichtenstein explains the service and how it can help brands develop more effective online ads and determine what their competition is doing online.

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 1-12    
Topic: Tools

Steelhouse Simplifies Online Ads With A2


As a creative, you want your work to shine wherever it is seen right? But you dread all the technological hassles that go along with converting your idea to a workable online ad unit, right? Coding sucks. Flash doesn't work on mobile. HTML5 challenges some browsers. And all those rich media technologies make your head spin. Are we right? Of course we are.

Well, perhaps, your life may get a bit easier. A company called Steelhouse has launched A2, a new tool that brings the simplicity of drag and drop and point and click to online ad creation. The company says the tool will allow for the inclusion of video, images, location-aware information, product carousels, social sharing and content derived from behavioral data.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-24-12    
Topic: Tools

Site Retargeting Increases Display Advertising Effectiveness 30 Percent


So our occasional roving video reporter, Murray Newlands, attended Affiliate Summit in last month and interviewed Chris Smith, VP of Sales and Marketing for Think Realtime, a site retargeting company. Site retargeting is an online marketing technique that allows a brand to advertise to a person who has visited the brand's site after they leave by showing them display ads on other sites. This is achieved through cookie technology.

In the video, Smith claims many of the brands that work with Think Realtime see a "30 percent increase in the effectiveness of their display advertising."

Hey, it's not sexy, there's no cleavage but, seriously, when you get right down to it, you don't want sexy, you want revenue. Check out the video.

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by     Sep-24-12    
Topic: Online, Tools, Video

FarFromHomePage to Mashup Web Content Into Interactive Presentations


This looks interesting. FarFromHomepage is an Indiegogo project that aims to develop a tool that will allow people to remix anything from the web to create an interactive presentation. Viewers can choose to sit back and watch the show like a movie, or mouse over content that catches their eyes and actively browse it.

Check out their promotional video below. We like the idea

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-12    
Topic: Tools