TremorMedia, ContentWatch Rain on Inappropriate Content's Parade


Many people have derided the "blind network" practice in online advertising which, in a nutshell, gives an advertiser little or no control over where their ads appear. That's why you see Disney ads on porn sites and other similar non-sequitors.

Many people have lamented the occasional "odd" contextual ad placement which offers up placements such as ads for turpentine next to articles about teens who drank the stuff to terminate her pregnancy.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Tools

ZunaVision Simplifies Insertion of Ads Into Videos


Pre-roll. Post-roll. Overlays. As YouTube and other video services attempt to further monetize their offerings, each iteration is jusy as annoying as the previous one. Well, here's another. It might not be quite as annoying (if done right) as some of the other forms as long as you are fine with advertisements appearing in videos where, otherwise, a picture might be hung or a blank wall stands.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-24-08    
Topic: Tools, Video

SocialSpark Launches Affiliate, Premium Blogger Programs


In years past, we, along with others, have thrashed PayPerPost (now more commonly known as SocialSpark though the PayPerPost name still exists) for its initial, somewhat shady offering which paid bloggers to write about a particular company without disclosure. Following an immediate backlash, the company moved more and more towards open transparency and, today, is out with two new offerings.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-17-08    
Topic: Tools, Weblogs

Video Mashup to Provide Consumer Trend Insight


Video. Everyone's doing it. Everyone's sticking a camera in your face at conferences while asking you to spout intelligentsia. Everyone's screaming, "Buy a Flip! Buy a Flip!" Given the video craze, it would seem proper yet another capitalization on the trend should arise. And we have Big Fuel to thank for this one.

Using visual mapping technology, the agency will take videos from marketers interviewed at DMA this week, along with those collected from consumers and aggregate them based on key concepts to Big Fuel tells us anyone and everyone will be able to glean insight into consumer trends or patterns of behavior. The site will go live October 20.

by Steve Hall    Oct-13-08    
Topic: Tools, Video

Book Helps Brands Avoid 'Social Media' From Destroying Reputation


New friend and blogger for elasticpath's Get Elastic blog Linda Bustos just published an article entitled How to Find an Online Reputation Manager. In the article, she highlights Andy Beal's book, Radically Transparent: Monitoring and Managing Reputation Online, which serves as a training manual for companies concerned with getting a handle on and participating in online communities and conversations about their brand.

With the proliferation of every conceivable manner of online communication and the dramatic change it's made to the old school rules that govern who, in theory, is supposed to have the ability to publish news and opinion, brands have to take a very different approach in how they influence their brand's perception.

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 2-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Social, Tools

Seven Tips For Publishers Joining Ad Networks


Guest contributor Frank Sims is Senior Vice President of Publisher Services for Viralytics Media and has compiled a list of items of which publishers seeking acceptance from ad networks should be aware. If you think because he runs an ad network this piece is self-serving, you may be right. Then again, heeding his suggestions would certainly seem to increase your chances of acceptance.

With the big Ad Networks touting ever expanding reach and a firm grasp of the "Long-Tail", it almost seems like a slap in the face when you receive that denial letter stating that "your site is not a proper fit for our network at this time". Well don't worry, it may not be due to the fact that your site has an unpleasant design or inferior content - you may have just broken one of the ad network's 7 deadly publisher sins.

To help guide you through the treacherous submission process, here is a list of the seven things to be aware of when applying to the big CPM networks.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-17-08    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Tools

Hatred of Adobe Expressed on 'Dear Adobe'


Seems there's a lot of hatred out there for Adobe which, as we all know, has a pretty firm grasp on advertising's creative community. In fact, there's so much hatred, a site dedicated to that hatred, Dear Adobe, collect gripes about the company and its products. The number one gripe? "Why does the Acrobat Reader take two minutes to launch, and require updates twice a month, just to display PDF pages?"

The answer to that question? Who cares. Just use Foxit Reader (for Windows but available in Preview for Mac) and your Adobe Reader woes will be gone. That aside, there are hundreds of gripes on the site ranging from complaints about Photoshop, Adobe's installer and feature bloat.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Social, Tools

TubeMogul Creates 'Dating Site' for Marketers and Content Producers


TubeMogul recently announced the launch of a new "dating site" for content producers and potential advertisers. It's called TubeMogul Marketplace and from its start, I see its value both as a marketer and as an avid content consumer.

With an incredible amount of content on the Web, digital marketers tasked with identifying potential partnership opportunities can be quickly overwhelmed. TubeMogul's own video distribution service allows anyone with a video file and several online video accounts to plaster the Web with his/her content. The de facto decision often comes down to selecting between a few producers who are so well known that they naturally surface as contenders.

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by Amanda Mooney    Sep- 7-08    
Topic: Online, Social, Tools

Tutorial Offers Social Media 101


Jennifer Jones has produced a brief, helpful tutorial, How to Build a Social Media Campaign, to guide markers considering swimming in the social media pond. She offers the names of tools marketers can use to track existing conversations about their brands. She suggests brands identify or create interesting stories surrounding the brand that will be of interest to the target audience and then provide a means for those stories to be shared.

In terms of things to avoid, Jones is adamant that marketers be transparent in their efforts and identify their involvement with any effort. The tutorial doesn't answer every question marketers will have about social media but it will provide an initial frame work from which to begin.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-08    
Topic: Social, Tools

Who Needs Humans When You Have Emily?


Hollywood-based Image Metrics which has done special effects and animation for several Harry Potter Films and Grand Theft Auto released a demo illustrating the realistic quality of their animation technology. The person in this video from the company is not a real person. Her face is an animation.

It's very lifelike. And who needs a whining, demanding actor when you can just program one instead? Everyone says geeks will inherit the earth. With this technology, it seems they just might. Right from their keyboards.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-21-08    
Topic: Tools