TweetPsych Profiles Twitter Users for Marketers


For marketers fascinated with Twitter and its seemingly endless possibilities, for good or bad, as a marketing channel/platform/whatever, a new service called TweetPsych might be worth a look. Created by Dan Zarrella, TweetPsych uses Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count and Regressive Imagery Dictionary to build a psychological profile of a person based on the content of their Tweets.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-24-09    
Topic: Social, Tools

Banner Not Dead! Twitter-Powered Banner to the Rescue!


In the "why didn't I think of that first category," comes this new ad unit from SocialMedia for JuicyJuice which allows people to tweet from within the banner. If people are logged in, their tweet will scroll up and appear on the banner.

Juicy Juice teamed with SocialMedia to place the ad unit on mommy sites such as BabyCenter and CafeMom. Different questions, "How do you stimulate your child's mind?" or "How important are vitamin-enhanced foods to you?" are asked.

As SocialMedia CEO Seth Goldstein notes, the tweets and corresponding hashtag extend the effectiveness of the banner saying, "The ad unit is paid placement but the additional impressions are effectively earned media."

Oh Twitter, how others continue to find ways to make money off your VC-funded back. Just how long are you going to let others rip you off before you realize you can't run on fume indefinitely?

by Steve Hall    Jun-11-09    
Topic: Good, Online, Social, Tools

Social Media to Increase the Importance of Inbound Marketing


With the explosion of social media, the direction marketing flows is shifting from outbound to inbound. After all, with the ability of a company to have an infinite number of "findable" touch points in every corner of the internet, spending the bulk of marketing dollars on traditional outbound push marketing makes less and less sense.

As this shift continues, the practice of inbound marketing becomes ever more important. So what is inbound marketing? According to inbound marketing company HubSpot, it's a combination of "getting found" through SEO, blogging and social media; conversion through landing pages, lead tracking and lead management and analysis through marketing analytics, competitive analytics and lead scoring.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-10-09    
Topic: Opinion, Social, Tools, Trends and Culture

You Mean We Don't Have to Make 3,000 Versions of That Banner?


According to...yawn...worldwide data from comScore...zzz..., ACME ad network is now the...snooze...third largest in the world. Recently released technology provided by ACME...OMG...clearly differentiates ACME from their competitors. As the...yawn...first self-serve behavioral ad network that will...(wake me when this is over)...automatically optimize flash creative so lazy designers don't have to, ACME will...wait, what did that press release just say?

Did it say "automatically optimize flash creative" so lazy designers don't have to? Yes it did! Who is this press release from? Oh. Tatto Media. [Sorry, they all blur together after a while]

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-09    
Topic: Tools

Della Offends, Food Talks, Logos Wanted, Texting Pays Off


- Yawn. Twitter all aflutter over supposedly sexist Dell website.

- In what feels like the world's longest commercial, food talks about how great Dixie's new paper plates are.

- Got a great logo? Submit it to Wolda, an annual worldwide logo award competition.

- Premium Channels has introduced Premium Campaign Echoes, advertorial mentions that "echo" banner creative.

- Think you're the fastest texter out there? Check out LG's annual US National Texting Championship. You could win $50,000.

- The world's weirdest Coke commercial.

- Paste Magazine is on it's last legs and will launch a "Save Paste" campaign later today.

by Steve Hall    May-13-09    
Topic: Commercials, Industry Events, Strange, Tools

iGRP to Bring Online Video and TV Metrics Together


Social media types and those leading the charge toward the new world of advertising aren't going to like this one. YuMe, in partnership with MindShare, has introduced the iGRP or Internet Gross Rating Point, a metric allowing advertisers the ability to compare their online video metrics with their offline television metrics.

OK, OK, so it's really not that bad. After all, everyone wants to be able to measure, right? But many will say this is just forcing old metrics on a new medium that really deserves its own set of metrics.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Research, Tools

Blurb Makes Book Publishing Easy For Creatives


The intrepid and ever-present Jolie O'Dell discovers how Blurb allows designers, with or without design software expertise, to create stunning books of all shapes and sizes. Watch and learn.

By the way, Adrants publisher Steve Hall is involved with Blurb and Ammo Marketing on a project called Killed Ideas. We seek the best creative which, sadly, didn't get to see the light of day for various reasons.

by Steve Hall    Mar-20-09    
Topic: Publishing, Tools

FetchBack Gets Its 'Fetch' Back With Keyword Retargeting


OMG. Is that not the lamest headline referencing the lamest movie in which the lamest FTW-wannabe vernacular is beaten to death? But hey, every time retargeting company FetchBack makes an announcement, the Mean Girls simply have to come out and play.

So what's the big announcement? Wait, does it really matter? We got to write our pithy headline. Can't we just move on to the next story? Oh wait, you really want to know? OK so here it is.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 2-09    
Topic: Tools

Influencers Ads Bring Social Networking to the Tired Ad Banner


So you know who Facebook's ad program lets people recommend/endorse various product to their friends? Wouldn't it be great if that were possible across the entire web instead of just within Facebook? Well, as a DR ad would scream, "Yes! Now you too can get social! And you don't need Facebook to so it! Call now!"

OK, so how does it all work? PopularMedia has introduced Influencer Ads. Similar to rich media banners from the likes of Pointroll, Influencer Ads are large format ads but with social networking functionality added.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-13-09    
Topic: Online, Tools

Parker Persuades, Armano Rides Weiner, Alba Liquify'd


- George Parker's next opus, The Ubiquitous Persuaders will be out in January. Madison Avenue take cover.

- David Armano gets his wiener whistle (d?)

- Jessica Alba gets even more curvaceously hot courtesy of Photoshop's Liquify.

- The Webby Awards is out with a call for entries promotion for its 13th Annual Webby Awards. Five "internet video stars," including Obama Girl, will take part in individual videos hyping the event.

- Once again, AgencySpy's Matt Vanhoven gets up off the crapper to deliver another Week in Advertising.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Publishing, Tools