On the innocence of childhood. And the power of that innocence as leverage marketers can use to get people to buy stuff. Phrased that way, it makes ads featuring kids seem crass. But thankfully, most ads featuring kids are simply beautiful. Like this one for Turkish Airlines.
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When Barbarian Group and CP+B unleashed Burger King's Subservient Chicken ten years ago, the work was lauded as some of the best and weirdest ever to come from the brand. Well the brand is bringing the man in a chicken suit back for a redo. Sort of.
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In a hilarious promotion to the Cannes Lions Festival -- if that actually needs any promotion -- McCann London is out with a collection of faux stock photography shots featuring the likes of Barbarian Group's Benjamin Palmer, If We Ran the World's Cindy Gallop, Droga5 CCO Ted Royer and others.
The campaign aims to highlight the fact that attending the world's leading festival of creativity and being surrounded by the greatest creative work and people on the planet is a hugely valuable experience. It inspires delegates to return to work with renewed enthusiasm as if to push a reset button.
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Whenever you see some idiot wearing their jeans halfway down their ass, don't you just want to walk up to them, punch them in the face and tell them they look like an idiot? Hey, maybe it's just us but we bet there are other out there who hate this fashion trend that, believe it or not, is still with us.
Working with Y&R Prague, Two Tales Brewery is out to put a stop to this fashion travesty by donating thousands of belts to those in need. For every six pack of Two Tales purchased, the brand promises to donate a belt to those in need.
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Hasn't anyone learned anything from watching horror movies? Never, ever place one of your appendages in a hole. Alas, like everything else in life, that scenario has been co-opted by a marketer.
To promote its PS4 game, Infamous: Second Son, PlayStation placed an installation with three finger holes in Antwerp's Central Station with copy that read, "Place finger here." Those who kept their fingers in the holes for 5 seconds -- and endured actual electric shock -- were awarded a free copy of the game.
We get chills just thinking about sticking appendages in dark places. OK, well, perhaps not all appendages and not all dark places.
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In a couple of less-than-exciting slow motion videos, The Slo Mo Guys have a bit of fun smashing up a collection of daiquiris and pina coladas for Captain Morgan. But they did make another video entitled Canon which is actually pretty cool.
To support the premiere of this video series, the brand will be hosting a two-week contest that challenges fans to guess the number of cocktails that were demolished during the making of "Cannon." The 100 fans who come the closest to the correct amount of cocktail causalities will win a Captain Morgan branded cannonball. The contest will be hosted on Facebook, where fans will be able to submit their entries in the comment section.
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Well it's nowhere near as funny as witnessing a cute birthing a creamy behemoth from her cavernous bowels all to promote a spray, Poo-Pourri, that traps poo smells beneath toilet water.
While the first video, which has over 26 million views, was filled with an endless litany of pet names for pooping, this one is a bit more sterile and comes off as if it were a sterile product demonstration video.
Much like DollarShaveClub, sequels never really live up to the original.
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You've gotta love any country that has a game called Princess Tossing to celebrate the crowning of a new king.
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Wow. If only the NYPD had read this report from Spredfast. Perhaps they might have avoided the firehose of backlash they have received since sending that tweet.
This report covers the 8 steps every smart (and dumb) brand needs to master in order to implement an effective social media strategy and ingrain social practices in to the organization as a whole.
Don't end up like the NYPD. Download this report now and save yourself the embarrassment.

Here's a pretty cool idea. Working with Strawberry Frog, The Secret Little Agency and Tellart, EDB, a Singapore-based government group which promotes the city as a business destination debuted The Coffee Connector at The Economist Big ReThink Conference last month.
Leveraging the notion that grabbing a cup of coffee is a great way for a couple of people to build a relationship and coupling that with EDB's goal of facilitating companies to create successful business ventures, The Coffee Connector demonstrated the value of strong relationships. Each party is then rewarded with a freshly brewed cup of Highlander Coffee and the beginning of a lasting connection.
The Coffee Connector is an ingenious, internet connected coffee maker that only works when two people are standing together squarely in front of the machine. In order for the machine to dispense coffee, the two people must introduce themselves by entering their names and indicating their interests.
The Coffee Connector is, of course, a metaphor for EDB's purpose and intent which is to present Singapore as a place for global companies to come together and connect in meaningful ways.
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