Just in time for Easter, Easy Explain Videos is out with a collection of, well, easy to understand spoofs of well known TV shows such as Game of Thrones, Star Trek, The X-Files, Breaking Bad, Homeland, Walking Dead, Dexter and The Big Bang Theory.
Each video, with its own unique name like Game of Eggs, Star Tregg and The Egg Files are all about experiencing some witty Easter amusement. Check three of them out in the video below and all of them on this site where you can vote on what you'd like them to create next.
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This three minute opus for Tosando Music company presents us with a scene of a father performing on the piano at his daughter's wedding. Interspersed with the music are memories of the man's life and a wife who is no longer in the picture.
You don't need to understand Japanese to sense the emotions experienced here and how wedding always bring out the deepest, most intense emotions buried deep inside a family.
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Classical music gets a bum rap these days. It's perceived as the thing only your grandparents listen to yet its the backbone to almost every great move ever made. B-Classic, a Belgian music festival which promotes classical music is out with a new video that asks us to envision classical music differently.
We all know a great video can vastly increase the appeal of a piece of music. MTV knew that and built a business on it. Now that's YouTube's job. But we digress.
Check out this video in which cheerleaders and hot pants-clad hotties shake their booties to Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 Allegro con fuoco as if they were in a hip hop video.
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Ignited is out with an ad for Sanuk Shoes that envisions why simply wearing the brand's shoes will maintain your comfort even in life's most uncomfortable situations, like sitting in front of a kid who won't stop kicking your seat on a nine hour flight.
So why is this ad dumb? First of all, not even the most comfortable shoes will assuage the antics of a crazed kid on a plane. And second, if you're going to imply that only the guy in the middle is bothered by the kid. and not those sitting next to the guy, you might want to detach the seats from each other before you shoot the commercial.
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Well this is kind of weird. Remember when Victor & Spoils first launched and they made a really big deal about the fact they'd crowdsource cool, new digital work for their clients? Well apparently they've come full circle and are now creating traditional offline campaigns for banks.
The agency has launched a TV, radio, print, OOH campaign with, yes, some online landing pages, for the Community Banks of Colorado and Bank Midwest divisions of NBH Bank.
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Everyone wants a longer happy hour, right? Especially beer brands that make all that beer you're going to drink if you stay in the bar longer. So it makes perfect sense that a brand like Carlsberg would do whatever they can to get people to stay in bars longer and drink more beer.
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Who knew? Better than the cotton gin? More important the discovery of electricity? Yup, the hot dog. America's contribution to the world's quinine. And Ball Park, with help from Y&R New York, would like us to meet the brand's Park's Finest hot dogs, made with 100% beef, no nitrates and "infused with bold premium seasonings."
Let's be honest. Hot dogs taste awesome. But let's also be honest. They aren't really food. They are a collections of scraps that were trimmed off actual pieces of meat with a bunch of chemicals added then formed by machinery into a phallic symbol and sold off as perfectly healthy summertime cookout fare.
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Hoping to latch itself onto the belief that any video with cute pets will go viral, Pedigree, with help from Colenso BBDO, is out with a video featuring cute puppies that's part of its Adoption Drive. The brand will donate any YouTube advertising revenue generated from this video's views and earmark it for feeding dogs in need.
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While there have been some amazingly powerful safe driving PSAs from all over the world, most of them resort to the dramatic, real-life trauma of the crash (see the all-time classic here). But this entry from Honda takes a different approach.
The automotive brand has enlisted the power of emoticons to convey its message with a new social media program aligned with April's Distracted Driving Awareness Month to call attention to the dangers of texting while driving. In support of this first-ever National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) initiative, Honda is launching the "Thumbs Up" (#thumbsup) social media campaign to reach young drivers by using emoticons along with a video that illustrates the importance of safe driving.
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Nine years after changing it's name to JWT, the agency will, once again, be known as J. Walter Thompson. While the change was planned for later this year, WPP's Martin Sorrell let the change slip at a breakfast event Monday hosted by the Wall Street Journal.
Sorrell shared with the audience that the agency has been "talking about rebranding" and said the J. Walter Thompson name is "immensely powerful" and that a return to the name would be "a slick and good move."
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