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Police Officer Busts Makeup Offenders


Benefit Cosmetics has unleashed Chelsea Lately writer Sarah Colonna, dressed her up as a police officer, placed her on a Segway and charged her with handing out tickets to makeup crime offenders.

Colonna is blunt in her approach asking one woman if she can "order a hamburger of your face" because her eyebrows look like "McDonald's arches."

Crazy stuff. She even tells one woman her fake boobs are "ridiculous looking."

Of course, the stunt aims to align itself with the brand's tagline, Laughter is the best cosmetic."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Video

Hilarious SmartWater Video Exposes Jennifer Aniston's Secrets


In a feat of brilliance, SmartWater has released a faux-security tape - introduced by Ryan Seacrest, no less - that offers us an inside view into Jennifer Aniston's life.

In line with last year's "sex tape," her recent engagement to Justin Theroux and speculations of pregnancy, the video hits on all cylinders. Even Jimmy Kimmel makes an appearance as one of Aniston's kids.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Celebrity, Video

Hubspot Does Gangnam Style


Hubspot is one of our favorite companies. Not just because of the wonderful people who work there but also because of the amazing marketing software they make that helps marketers easily tackle the social media waters and beyond.

Since 2008, the company has been creating parody-style videos, some of which have won awards. Each time they release a video, the up the anti on both talent and and production style.

The company's latest release, is, of course, a parody of PSY's Gangnam Style and it's funny. Give it a watch.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Agencies

Dior Addict Film Transports You to St. Tropez


Though set in 2012, this RAF Films-created work for Dior harkens a more 1960's-ish feel. Specifically, the Brigitte Bardot film And God Created Woman. Directed by Jonas Akerland, the work, which was shot on the beaches and streets of St. Tropez, touts Dior's Addict fragrance.

In the film, released in June, a Brigitte Bardot-like model, the very full-lipped 17-year-old Daphne Groenveld, frolics her way around the beach and streets tantalizing onlookers with her exotic looks.

The film doves a wonderful job almost transporting you to St. Tropez and almost making you feel like a woman as beautiful as Groenveld would almost give you the time of day. So that's an accomplishment in and of itself.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Commercials

Universal Studious Enlists Zombies to Tout Halloween Theme


Universal Studios tapped David&Goliath to create a super scary ad to promote the theme park's super scary Halloween experience. In the ad, a group of of four saunter down the street until one hears a scream. The stop, look down dark alley and see a guy running towards them screaming to the to "run!" Why? Because he's being chased by...yawn...zombies. And since when could zombies run?

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Commercials

Bennetton Celebrates 15-29 Year Olds With 'Unemployee of the Year'


Reacting to an economy that left 100 million 15-29 years olds worldwide unemployed, United Colors of Bennetton has launched Unemployee of the Year, a new campaign that aims to dispel the hard to shake stigma that younger workers are lazy and that it's their own fault they don't have a job.

Created by Bennetton's own FABRICA and 72andSunny, the campaign intends to "spark a global conversation" about the plight of Millenials and enable the group to share its stories and experiences.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Keith Stone Bags Himself A Burger And A Babe


Keith Stone is still up to his old antics in this new Keystone commercial which examines the art of flipping a burger and, with a choose your own adventure tactic, how to get the hot girl. As Keith's grillmaster friend attempts to impress the ladies with increasingly impressive burger flips, the viewer is given a choice of direction as the burger is in flight.

Both selections, of course, feature the hot girl, Julin Jean, and more Keith Stone wit. If only impressing girls were this easy in real life.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Commercials, Racy

Surreal Chairlift Rides Highlight Copper Mountain's Ski Experience


As an avid skier, we can appreciate the surreal joy of a chairlift ride up the mountain. It's a time when you can drink in the beauty of your surroundings, enjoy conversation with a stranger or, in the case of these Wexley School for Girls-created ads for Copper Mountain, wax eloquently about the oddest stuff imaginable.

Seven new ads, shot entirely against a green screen, allow for brilliant oddities such as kids who aren't really kids, a miniature spaceship and the ability to have your actors just sit there and rap about whatever you want them to.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-18-12    
Topic: Campaigns

Missing Child Scenario Promotes Social Network For Moms


A missing child is no joke. And it's certainly not the smartest scenario to evoke when promoting a mom-focused social network. But that's exactly what Paris-based La Chose did for HubWin-mamans.com.

The PR touts the work as something that, "highlights the solidarity between mothers. It tells a universal story, experienced by all mothers at one time or another, all over the world."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-17-12    
Topic: Social, Video

Lavish Elegance Fills Fashion Film As Woman Seeks Man


In this masterful, single shot, steadicam film directed by Ryan Hope for William Tempest's Design Forum fashion collection, we are drawn into the life of the obscenely rich and the sumptuously elegant.

A lamborghini pulls up in front of a stately brick mansion that, on the outside, doesn't look as big as it seems once we're inside. A woman gets out of the vehicle and we follow her through room after room as she hunts for the man of her dreams. As we are slowly brought the home, we see a lavish gathering of one percenters enjoying themselves as if there weren't a care in the world.

The film is beautiful. The added subtitles ruin i's elegance. The film, itself, tells the story without need for narration. But we watched the entire eleven minutes. It was that captivating

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by Steve Hall    Sep-17-12    
Topic: Video

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