Following the long standing rule that all Apple ads will be spoofed, a guy named Reece James has created three spoofs of the current Apple campaign that compares the Apple to the PC. They're charmingly entitled Crap, Porn and Sharing. Give them a look over at Adland.
Words and Pictures has given their cartoon treatment to the messy Hasbro Oozinator ad.
Club Mom has introduced the web's first social network for moms. Now discussion about the consistency of baby poop can be taken to a global level.
IQ Interactive and Arnold have created a virtual tour website for the recently launched Royal Caribbean ship Freed of the Seas.
Gatorade and Just Ad Orange think Americans should care more about World Cup football and this ad asks them to consider it.
The growth of Walmart is scary, Really scary.
AdFreak asks, Is there anything breasts can't sell?
AdJab analyzes a Suzuki Forenza ad and wonders what a "smoking hot" woman stripping in an elevator has to do with selling cars.
Angered as we are with the blandness of Microsoft advertising and its recent mean-nothing positioning of itself as "people ready" and its knack for portrating fake companies and fake people in its ads, Copyranter decided to edit the ad a bit and bring some reality to the models standing in for real people in the ad. See the full sized ad here.
Out since March 1, perhaps you've seen this already but we haven't so, while Bert Fields might not like it, we thought we'd share since sneaker man Al Cabino sent it our way. Inspired by the Nike Awake commercial in which people wake up, grab their Nike Air Max 360 trainers and hit the day running, this spoof by Curiousfury pays homage to the Tom Cruise running trend. The spot weaves together the many Tom Cruise movie scenes in which he's always running with some pained look on his face. Curious fury promises another clip called "Tomarathon." It's supposed to be a longer, 26 minute version of this spoof crafted as an exercise video.
So there's a series of really weird ads up on Flickr for fashion label Raoul. The ads are spec work done by students in an advertising class in Singapore. As Flickr user skaplan explains, "some of my friends in Singapore asked some of the exchange kids to be white people in their concept ads they made for class." Hmm. While the ads are refreshingly un ad-like, this one in particular really makes one wonder what they were thinking when they created it. Then again, these are college students and they aren't all hung up on corporate culture that constrains creativity.
Some in Canada are, apparently, taking issue with the representation of the country's indigenous people and have created a spoof site to call attention to the issue. While we don't claim to know a thing about Canadian politics nor what the site is trying to accomplish, we love spoofs and we know our neighbors to the North will explain it for us.
We hope James Cameron sees this because we know he's going to laugh his ass off. Someone's gone to the trouble of creating a three minute movie trailer for Titanic Two The Surface, a mash up of Leonardo DiCaprio clips from Titanic and all the other movies he's made along with clips from other movies that feature a whole host of Hollywood actors. The premise is Jack's back. He was found on the bottom of the ocean floor and has to...well....just watch the trailer. Someone put a lot of work into this.
We wonder why we had to wait so long for a spoof of the Honda Choir ad to make it's debut and now we know. This spoof from 118 118, the same people that spoofed the Honda Cog spot, is so horrifically bad, they had to re-shoot it over and over and over to make it even worse so it good then be released as "so bad it's good." What a waste of time. View it, if you have to, over at Adland.
While this sort of Windows/Mac joke has been played out a billion times before, this time it just seems to have a bit more humor. Someone has altered the ending of the Mac/Intel ad - the one everyone claimed copied a Postal Service video - to illustrate a scenario Windows users have, unfortunately, become all to familiar with.
Continuing its tradition of April Fool's Day joke, Google has launched Google Romance, a humorous take on dating sites. Google SVP Jonathon Rosenberg explains the service saying, "Our mission, as you might have heard, is to organize the world's information. And let's face it: in what area of life is the world's information more disorganized than romance? We thought we could use our search technology to help you find that special someone, then send you on a date and use contextual ads to help you, ya know - close the deal."
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