We never thought it a tragic emergency if a member of the bridemaid party couldn't make it to the wedding for some reason but, it seems, someone does have a big probllem with that has, as AdPunch points out, placed this ad on Craigslist looking for a stand in bridesmaid. A portion of the ad reads, "Have you always wanted to be in a wedding but keep getting passed over for the role of bridesmaid? Are you often referred to as the life of the party? Does your smile light up a room? Can you fake tears?!" The ad also states the size of the bridesmaids dress that needs to be filled and, apparently, a busty body style is required. Humorously, the ad also states who should not reply to this ad including WWE wrestlers, home wreckers, sexual predators and MILFs.
New York's Times Square has always been a haven for the racy, the clothing-challenge, the buff body. There's been National Underwear Day. There's been stripping models . There's been models prancing about in a psuedo-living room billboard. There's been gold digging Bridezillas cake diving in wedding dresses. There's been crotch grabbing. There's been gigantic versions of porn star Jenna Hameson. There's even been humping bunnies.
After all of that, it's kind of refreshing to see a fully-clothed, middle-aged woman who isn't 120 pounds promoting something as well as offering advice to tourists. Yes, Snapple Lady, Wendy, is in town to man (woman?) a booth called the Big Apple Visitor Center helping people learn about the city's best things and best places as well as, of course, the best stuff, Snapple. Hmm...a Times Square promotion that doesn't include semi-naked hotties? Rad, dude. Rad.
Isn't it great when you get a client that likes bathroom humor? Then you get to create ads that talk about natural wonders like fish poop like in this ad for Lombardi Sports created by San Francisco's Hub Strategy.
At this moment MTV's Video Music Awards show is nine days, two hours, 45 minutes and 28 seconds away. We know that from the countdown clock atop a newly launched site/blog/map/video extravaganza which is loaded with all sorts of goodies. There's videos of the artists, an interactive map that lets visitors "spy" on artists' hang outs with an interactive map, an app called a "Vidget" (likely a customizes RSS reader) which delivers new content to the desktop, a list of pre-VMA events in the city, promotional discounts to area restaurants, a daily sweepstakes and subscription giveaways to Urge. It aims to put the entire city
This witty little bit of word play in a storefront for Singapore-based skin care pill Imedeen featuring spokesmodel Zoe Tay found its way to our Inbox today and we couldn't help but snicker at the copy, "My secret to beautiful skin? I swallow."
Ariel tells us RyanAir is getting sassy and points to a Boing Boing piece which discusses a lawsuit the airline filed against the UK government in response to its increased airport security measures. Apparently, it's all a bit much for the airline which placed on its website an image of a crowd of naked people standing by their clothes with the tagline, "New Airport Security Procedures Put Fun Back Into Flying."
Well if we had any interest in Steve McQueen or ever saw his movie Great Escape, we might like this Hummer commercial from Modernista in which three guys plan an elaborate escape from work as if simply walking out the door would be a problem for grown men in an adult environment. Well, we haven't and we don't. This is advertising after all. Everyone in commercials has to be either dumb, incredibly hot or dress like an art director.
Adrants reader Sanj sends us an image of wanted poster wild postings which promote the beginning of the second season of the FOX series Prison Break. It's actually a really good show.
Well it is possible to believe everyone at Euro RSCG and the Ad Council gave the collective head nod to the notion it's hard for a superhero to save the world all the time and it's pretty easy for the average human being to donate a pint of blood, our head just isn't quite nodding yet. Maybe we just have to watch these two (1, 2) J.J Sedelmaier-produced spots several more times before it all sinks in. OK. There it is. Now we get it.
Like a bunch of ten year old boys playing with the circuit breaker in the basement, Brewtron, Defender of Beer was created by some guys as the perfect drinking buddy. Oh, and to rebrand Icehouse beer to 21-35 year old men because 36 year olds don't drink beer and would rather play with a woman than a robot. But anyway, Dennis Digital created the site for this Icehouse/Maxim.com partnership. If you're tired of catfight style beer ads, you might like this one.