Subservient Chicken...With a Dog!


Yes, you heard right. The Subservient Chicken make-me-do-things thing is back. This time its from Samsung and there's no chicken, no stripping virtual bartenders, no stripping store clerks, no asking Dr. Clark, no Interview with Ari, no Subservient Donald, no witty Family Guy characters, no VIrtual Stripper, no Subservient President or Subservient Blair, no subservient Christmas carolers and no Crystal. What's left? A dog. Yes, a playful St Bernard with a Samsung Q1 around its neck ready to answer your questions.

But forgt about all that. The YouTube video promoting the dog, the site and the Q1 is so weirdly funny, you won't even want to bother visiting the site.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-06    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video

Mortar Tells Us Just How Sick We Are


How's your brand holding up? Badly? Moderately? Google-caliber? Psh, right. No matter how well you think you are, you'll need to come in for a check-up.

With the Brand-o-Meter, SF-based agency Morter 360 exploits a technique psychiatrists and Munchausen's-afflicted mothers have used for time immemorial. Whether you're a powerhouse or flophouse, no moment is riper for some Mortar expertise. And if you happen to be confused about why you need to see the good doctor, read this soothing explanation.

Clever work. But did we have to read a whole media kit just to get to the lead form? It was like trying to reach Oz. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-30-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online

Smoking Makes Your Dick Soft So Says NHS


What's that you say? Another sex-laced image on Adrants? England-based health care provider NHS wants men to know that smoking damages the valve that close and traps blood in the penis so that an erection is possible. Shawn Waite points us to the organizations recent campaign and website that uses the image of a burning cigarette as an increasingly flaccid penis. Be sure to check out the organization's Soft Magazine.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Newspaper, Online

Passing Gas Isn't Funny When it Comes to Smoking


When discussing the art of passing gas, humor is usually right around the corner. In this new spot from the American Legacy Foundation's long-running Don't Pass Gas campiagn, however, humor isn't in play. The passed gas that's being discussed here is hydrogen cyanide which is said to be found in second hand gas...uh...smoke. Perhaps Flatulina would have commentary on this.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

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Volvo C30 Campaign Wants Hate And Love


We don't know whether to love or hate this new Fuel London-created campaign for Volvo's C30 but that's the whole point. You'll see what we mean after you view the first spot. Well? Love it? Hate it? Do tell. The second spot is just plain weird. Each spot points to a Euro RSCG 4D Amsterdam-created Freewill website filled with all sorts of interactive games, widgets and more commercials

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange

Pillows Drugged, Shows Pulled, Agencies Bought, Mullen Cooks


- Perhaps in yet another effort to convince people to choose a certain drug, their are now pillows branded to look like pills.

- Cynopisis reports, "CBS has pulled 3 LBS. from the schedule after just three airings. The show debuted with a modest 2.9 A18-49 rating, and its most recent airing pulled an even more modester 2.4 demo rating. Filling the time period for the time being - reruns."

- After years of negotiations. Omnicom has scooped up Amsterdam-based independent shop 180.

- For those who can't seem to acquire enough friends on MySpace or Facebook, John Brock tells us now there's Fake Your Space, a sit on which you can pay $.99 per month for each "hot friend" of your choice who will send you two comments each week to make you feel special.

- The famed Anastasia Goodstein of Ypulse will host a roundtable discussion on "What Youth Brands Can Learn From The Action Sports World" at the Ypulse Teen Media Mashup on December 5, 2006 in San Diego.

- This has nothing to do with advertising or does it? A clandestine promotion (not that they need it) for Grey's Anatomy?

- Oxfam America is looking for pro-bono pring and online media placement opportunities for its Unwrapped campaign. Interested parties can contact [email protected].

- If you want to see Mullen Creative director Edward Boces holding a giant cookie above his head, check out the agencies just-released recipe book from their famed, in-house kitchen.

- Apparently lumber can not be sold without the image of a hot woman peering out at you

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-06    
Topic: Agencies, Specialty, Spoofs, Strange, Television