If you're some kind of convenience store and you're going to promote your hot dog wrapped in bacon thing, you might want to look long and hard at the visual in your ad before you hang the poster in your storefront window lest you want the public to think you sell some kind of penile enhancement solution. We're guessing not too many mother are going to be buying this for their daughters...oh...lest they get an early bite at something they shouldn't.
There's a lot of ways to promote a magazine. Some more offbeat than others. With the tagline "Let us keep on dreaming of a better world," - which, oddly sounds like some old hippy song - and graphics that portray women as they are be seen inside the fantasy-laden minds of men, this promotion for Belgian magazine, Che, is definitely one we'll never see here in the States but, all the same, think is fun if viewed without the lenses of one's politically correct glasses. From upskirt panty shots to a monthly wife sale, this campaign doesn't get bogged down with proper behavior. See the upskirt and others here. Safe enough for work. Oh, and here's a funny one on Flickr.
This witty little bit of word play in a storefront for Singapore-based skin care pill Imedeen featuring spokesmodel Zoe Tay found its way to our Inbox today and we couldn't help but snicker at the copy, "My secret to beautiful skin? I swallow."
Draft New Zealand has created a campaign for fitness company Les Mills International that steers clear of typical health club imagery in favor of striking images that promote individual aspects of the health chain's offering. From weight lifting to martial arts to balance (whatever that is) to cycling, the chosen images catch attention far better than your average health club image. You can see all the ads here.
Perhaps riffing off the recent street beggar campaign in India, TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris created a window sticker campaign highlighting the cleaning power of I.C.U. GLass & Window cleaner. Or the idiocy of people who can't pay attention to where they're going.
AdFreak points to Ironic Sans which analyzes two movie posters promoting the new Uma Thurman movie My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Ironic Sans notes the same headshot of Uma has been Photoshopped onto two separate bodies for each of the two posters. He's created an animated gif that compares the two headshots as well as the all important determining factor: breast size. Is there really such a problem with Uma's body that she can't stand in for herself. Last time I looked, her body looked good to me.
We're thinking the CSX headline for a college student focused railroad track safety campaign "Girls Don't Like Flat Guys" would have worked much better as "Guys Don't Like Flat Girls." But, then again, we wouldn't want to be sexist or break any political correctness rules now would we? Nope. Let's just twist that headline around from what we know was originally conceived to be the "Flat Girls" version and we'll be all good with the client and bitchy cause groups that can't take a joke.
Along with that unfortunately manipulated headline are drink coasters which read "If you're thinking about walking on the tracks, don't" accompanied by the image of - oh, the horror! - a squashed fly. There's also a card with the image of a CSX freight train on the front and the statement "Trains don't make a asound when they come up behind you" on the back. That is if you're deaf. One of those Exit agencies did the work.
While referring to tobacco companies' use of the code word "Zephyr" in the fifties to refer to cancer might not be the strongest argument, the American Legacy Foundation's "Truth" campaign has launched a new campaign that includes a spot featuring a guy who goes into an oncologist's office to see if he has Zephyr/cancer. The campaign hopes to call attention to what it calls "absurdities" it sees in tobacco company marketing. A second spot will follow in a day or two.
Vancouver, Canada resident has collected a bunch of images on Flickr for a recent Virgin Mobile campaign promoting an after 6PM calling plan. The campaign consists of red 666 street postings which you can see here.
Bucky Turco sent us a shot of a new Heineken Light poster which, aside from being mostly blank to perhaps capitalize on the "please deface me" graffiti trend, also, very prominently seems to promote Absolut vodka since the white poster can't completely cover the Absolut ad underneath it.