OK then. What's Advertising Week without the Pièce de résistance of advertising? Nothing. So it's our duty on this fine sunny (at least in New York) Monday to present yet another sex-laced advertising campaign. This one's from Barcelona-based Suigeneris for La Condoneria. Yea, it's a condom store and the campaign's called Rub-It. Yea, you read that right. Rub it. Which kinda makes sense for a condom campaign, right? After all, that's what you do after you put one on.
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Don't have any good nude pictures of yourself (or your friends) to send to your lover or post on Facebook (to embarrass your friends)? Toronto agency HQvB and Lollipop have created Growers Au Naturale for Growers Cider where you can upload any picture of your choosing and have the site "nudify" the pictures which are then posted to the site's gallery.
It seems most pictures are just "relative nudity" meaning all the parts that would truly make the picture nude are somehow covered. So we leave it up to you to toss some full frontals at the site to see what happens.
Watch. Just watch. You don't even have to know anything about Mad Men to love this Funny or Die clip in which a bunch of Massholes run an ad agency pitch. Don't miss New Kid Joey McIntyre as Roger Sterling.
There's no nudity in the clip but unless your office is cool with language akin to that spoken in a bar after the Red Sox lose, you might want to listen to this one with earphones on.
Why should your feet be left out of the fun? Buy them some Bianco Footwear and give them an organs. Yes. Seriously. According to this commercial, Bianco Footwear will, indeed, give your feet an orgasm.
We've all had that experience while at the pool, at the beach or at some random event when a stunning looking woman appears and enraptures everyone with her voluptuous pulchritude. As she struts her way into the crowd, it's as if everything shifts to slow motion and every move her body makes is amplified tenfold. Every step. Every arm movement. Every turn of the head. And, yes, every gentle gyration of her breasts as if they were swelling waves in a sea of flesh.
If for some incomprehensible reason you can not picture for yourself the above scenario, there's always a commercial which will do it for you. In this case, it's an ad for rethink's Save the Boobs breast cancer effort, boobyball.
Wallow in the slo-mo-liciousness of it all
- Just how hot can lingerie advertising be? Thermal imaging hot!
- Not all families have the financial wherewithal to support their kids' childhood sporting desires. Thankfully, Canadian Tire's Jumpstart program can come to the rescue.
- Whitehouse website gets Facebooked.
- Can't get enough 9/11-themed ads? Check out Adland's collection including a strange one for Moscow News.
- AT&T explains why their service sucks...and what they're doing to improve it.
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As we seem to have said here many times over the past week or so, in these tough economic times, companies are resorting to all manner of silly pomp and circumstance to pimp their wares. So to announce to the world...OK, Australia... it will cease to charge booking fees, online travel agency ZUJI Australia has chosen an old standby: assvertising.
Apparently people all across Australia are dropping their pants to "uncover the online fees." We're not quite sure that's the best method for delivering the message but it did result in a PR stunt which shared with Australians hot-assed women (and a few men) in their underwear parading around central Sydney.
And what's not to love about some hot ass once in a while?
It's really difficult to write about something as frivolous as an underwear commercial after having viewed this emotionally-charged campaign for safe driving but, alas, it's our job to bring you the advertising goods. So...here's a Bond Underwear commercial in which a group of perfect-bodied women go rollerskating - in their underwear, of course - seventies style
This is hilarious. American Copywriter has put together, in chronological order, a series of online ads for the free online video game, Evony. The early ads can certainly be seen as relating to the medieval nature of the game. But as the ads progress, one wonders wheter or not Evony has turned into a dating site or a retailer like Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood pimping cleavage-enhancing bras.
Odd. Just odd.
So this video, Naked Girls Interrupted, had everyone abuzz yesterday. Sexy, Sexy. Sexy. Yes, sexy. That is until the guy shows up. In the video, we see four naked women...and the guy...strut their way down the street as song titles appear over the black bars that are blocking out the naughty bits. It's all for the upcoming release of Guitar Hero 5.