Delivered with nary a wink, Reuters' Ian Sloan provides news coverage of Japan's Triumph-sponsored Show Me Your Sloggi Contest. Sloan's dry statement, "consumer priorities are shifting to different assets," leads to a woman explaining how everything has been done to breasts to make them more attractive and noticeable, interests are now shifting to women's backsides.
Triumph and Sloggi are well know for their cheekishly exploitive (did we just say that?) tactics for moving lingerie off the shelves. From No Smoking bras to Sloggi's pole dancers to Tiger bras to Sloggi's endless collection of stunts, the two companies are, for sure, fixated with the female ass.
Though very far from the likes of true ass queen, Vida Guerra, Kaho Watanabe is doing her best to uphold Japan's bottom line.
It's about time. Most every campaign that calls attention to breast cancer features some colored ribbon or some celebrity lamely attempting to soften you up so you'll make a donation. Why? Why? Why? It's boring. Why not offer women (the ones affected by this disease) what they really want; stunningly hot, six packed guys in near nude poses offering themselves up as fantasy fodder. It might even be enough to make that next chemo session pass a little quicker.
Well, that's what The McGratch Foundation's Naked for a Cause did for its 2008 calendar. It enlisted the help of 26 NRL and AFL Australian footballers to strip down and offer up their chiseled bodies for all to admire. Who can complain with that? We have our Double Standard-equipped saber to debate anyone who does.
We're told by Joy Martinez the guy in this video works (worked?) at MediaVest, reached an "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" moment" and decided to run around Times Square naked. This is what our business does to people?
You know you've got a winning YouTube video campaign when you have guys leaving comments like, "I want to see her doing you from behind" and "I confess I just busted a nut." And so continues the travails of Amy, the big breasted cheerleader for The Comebacks who has recruited her near equally big breasted friend, Cindy, to help call attention to the movie by having...a locker room catfight. Maybe it's just us but we have a feeling this video promotion is going to be far more popular than the movie itself. Then again, who thought American Pie would amount to much?
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- Wendy's get all high and mighty with it's new Saatchi & Saatchi-created online promotion for its Hot Juicy Burger!
- We all thought those VW Crash ads were pretty good. Not so much anymore though after seeing this crashtastic ballet-style ad for Renault.
- Dove follows up its Evolution commercial with an equally powerful one called Onslaught in which an innocent girl is pummeled with adult imagery.
- And this week we got even more big boobs from our big boobed Cheerleader friend, Amy, who's doing her best to promote the movie The Comebacks.
- Dutch agency TBWANeboko did a very nice illustration-style campaign for TomTom's Mapshare.
- Leo Burnett grew a a lettuce garden on a billboard in Chicago to promote McDonald's fresh salads. Beautiful.
- Sony unleashed its third Fallon-created commercial. Called Play-Doh, a bunch of bunnies are animated around the streets of New York. Too bad the idea was stolen from an artist.
In mid-September, we shared with you a series of videos featuring an eye catching, very large breasted cheerleader hanging out in a locker room to promote the upcoming Fox film The Comebacks which will star The Office's Melora Hardin, Carl Weathers, Reno 911 and The Office alum David Koechner and Andy Dick among others.
In a new video, our cheerleader, Amy, who is now on crutches, tells us about a cheering accident she recently had. After she hobbles in to the locker room, falls over a bench and gets up (while showing us her pink panties), she pulls out a pair of Barbie dolls to illustrate how her spotter threw her up but didn't catch her causing her to land in the stands. Of course, we had to watch the video five times before our brain finally transferred cognitive abilities from our eyes to our ears.
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Ya know...leave it to Che Magazine to disrupt our morning publishing schedule. Here we are trying to bring you interesting and insightful news about advertising and, in particular, Advertising Week and what happens? A hot chic wearing a way too short (oh wait, there's no such thing) skirt graces our screen. And, as if offering herself up to anyone who would have her, her phone number is hanging like a babysitter ad from her ass . As Jonah Hill exclaimed over and over in Superbad, "What the fuck?"
We suppose we have to blame Copyranter for calling this to our attention and, yes, the mighty Advertising Age itself whose Adages blogger Ken Wheaton sent it to Copyranter.
Check out more Che Magazine shenanigans here, here, here, and here,
Acknowledging the lack of control men have over their eyes when in the presence of a lingerie-clad beauty, these ads for Fayreform are quite blunt about what's being ogled in these ads. In fact, the copy teases by saying, "Bet you didn't notice the guy in the ape suit/armadillo/Tyrannosaurus Rex." Here's one instance where stating the obvious actually works. See the other two ads in the series here.
Copyranter directs our attention to yet another gratuitous use of ass in advertising. With absolutely no relation to its purpose, the Technical University of Munich career forum chose to find hot booty, photograph it and display it purely to attract attention. Oh wait, that sounds like we're complaining. Because we're not.
Oh but wait! We are. We have to. It's out job. We simply must rail against the objectification of women (and their amazingly beautiful asses) in advertising. It's despicable. It's shameful. It's Neanderthal. It's a blight on the fine, upstanding morals of the advertising industry and absolutely will not be tolerated! It sickens us to think a fabulous piece of ass like this would be reduced to an OMFG-inducing ad.
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Who says Google doesn't help the poor?. Or do they? AdPulp's David Burn, calling it The Sexy Side of AdSense, found a photo on Flickr of a short shorts-wearing, girl-next-door cute woman holding a coffee cup and wearing a t-shirt which reads, "AdSense Buys My Daily Coffee (And Keeps the Change). Sweet.