Girl Gets Hot and Dirty to Illustrate Cleanliness


There are those who are obsessive about cleanliness. There are those who have a tongue fetish. And then there are brands. Rarely, if ever, do the three entwine. Until now. Courtesy of this branded YouTube video comes something that is simultaneously sexy and gross...not to mention very weird.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-28-08    
Topic: Racy, Social, Strange, Video

Ooo, Look! It's a Woman's Underwear Ad With...Women in Underwear!


Unlike most accounts where a little bit of pre-concept research is always a good thing, working on a women's lingerie or underwear account requires nothing more than a Neanderthal mentality and the libido of a 16 year old high school kid. It's like the creative brief writes itself.

Hmm. Let's see. Ooo...I've got it. Dude, it's lingerie! We'll show the product! And we can get a shit ton of hot babes for the shoot! And all they'll be wearing is underwear and bras! Dude, this is gonna be hot! And we'll have them play some choreographed girl on girl patty cake so we can get a little jiggle effect going. Dude! Bitches fighting! That rocks!

by Steve Hall    Jul-25-08    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary, Racy

Glamour Stiletto Run Travels to Moscow. Hotness Abounds


A couple years ago, we covered Glamour's Stiletto Run, a promotional event highlighting the launch of Dutch Glamour at which hundreds of women wearing heels ran a 75 meter sprint to win $10,000 Euros.

Last year the event was held in Amsterdam. We missed it but this year, just this week, it was held in Moscow and while a member of our vast Adrants reporting staff wasn't in attendance to capture the event first hand, thanks to Flickr, we can share all the glamorous, high heeled hotness with you today.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-24-08    
Topic: Events, Magazine, Racy

This is Not an Ad For Apple


This is not an ad for Apple. Apple doesn't do racy ads. Apple doesn't believe sex sells. Nope. This is not an ad for Apple. Apple prefers hipsteresque silhouettes and white space. Industrial design and witty repartee. Tiny envelopes and bloviated PC guys. This is not an ad for Apple.

We're more likely to see Steve Jobs himself appear in an Apple ad than some cutie in black lingerie lounging on a white couch. No, this is not an ad for Apple. It is, however, an ad for MacUnblogged. Sort of.

You've got to love a brand that motivates people to photograph themselves - or hot models - with the brand's products.

by Steve Hall    Jul-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Racy, Spoofs

Janet Jackson's Boob Ruled Not Indecent


Back in 2004 (yes, it really was that long ago), Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson were victims of a unfortunate "wardrobe malfunction" which caused Janet Jackson's pierced boob to be seen by something like 80 million people. Most of us laughed. others got all freaked out and had a legalk orgasm shooting law suits all over the place.

Well, four years later, it's all over and a Philadelphia Court of Appeals has injected some common sense into the debacle. The court overturned the FCC's fining of 20 CBS stations and the FCC's claim the stations were liable for the "malfunction." Basically, the Court of Appeals ruled the fines ran counter to the FCC's long-standing history of forgiving fleeting instances of indecency.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-21-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Opinion, Policy, Racy

Product Placement in Porn Advocated, Pennies Pitch


- The FWA has announced its 2008 Site of the Year judging panel. Some idiot named Steve Hall will be one of the judges.

- Chuck McCarthy has a few ideas for those of us in advertising. Not one to overlook a missed ad opportunity, Chuck thinks branded background images on those distorted login codes would be a great medium, Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back could be turned into Snackin' Back for a cracker brand and energy drink product placement in porn would be hot.

- A dude thinks the back of pennies are a great medium. He was right. After affixing his URL to the back of fifty pennies and distributing them around New York, business boomed.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Guerilla, Product Placement, Racy, Strange

Gossip Girl: Every Parent's Nightmare


From the look of these new Gossip Girl promotional posters, you'd think all they do on the show is have sex. Oddly (or not), that's not the case. The show is entertaining, witty and juicy. And who doesn't like to watch pretty people prance around the screen and whine about their difficult lives...even if they all come from multi-millionaire households? Besides, sex sells so the more we can show Blake Lively and Leighton Meester get it on with their boy toys, the better.

September 1, people.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-08    
Topic: Good, Racy, Television

Danish Cancer Commercial Uplifts But Steals Happy Ending


It's really too bad this Danish Cancer Society commercial has such a ridiculously lame ending because, well, until that lame ending, it's really quite excitingly uplifting to watch.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-08    
Topic: Commercials, Racy

Playboy Capitalizes on Boing Boing Frenzy With Hot Blogger Contest


So in reaction to that stupid move Boing Boing pulled deleting content published on the site by Violet Blue, Playboy thought they'd cash in on the media frenzy by hosting a hottest blogger contest including, of course, Violet Blue herself and Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin among others.

Ariel Waldman, who, herself, was nominated a list of the Top 20 Bloggers We Want To See In Bikinis, points us to the contest in which Sometimes Daily hottie Amanda Congdon battles it out with Tekzilla cutie Veronica Belmont, dirty joke lover Julie Alexandria, video blogging cutie Brigitte Dale, Pop17 babe Sarah Austin, CNET Loaded's beauty Natali Del Conte and...Holy Mad Men boobs!...Business Week's Sarah Lacy of the famed SXSW interview debacle with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.

Yes, people, In our world, this is what matters. The hotness quotient. The hotter you are, the more likely you are to succeed in life. OK, so maybe that;s not entirely true but what fun would a list of the top ten bloggers ranked by the number of hard-to-spell, SAT-like words be?

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Promotions, Racy

Sometimes Bigger Really Is Better


OK so Trojan has what's probably the world's smallest vibrator; good for sneaking into the conference room to alleviate boredom during some douchebag's elongated presentation. But sometimes, small isn't always good. Sometimes size does matter and you just really, really WANT a big ass vibrator to shove up your...oops, sorry. We're supposed to be talking about advertising here.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-19-08    
Topic: Racy, Video