More GoDaddy (one, two). Not much to say. Bimbo. Bikini. Breasts. Objectification. Wandering camera.
Oh wait. Those aren't GoDaddy commercials. OK, well, they sort of are. They're submitted videos that are part of the brand's video contest.
No need to watch them all though. We've watched a few and collected the best screen shots for your enjoyment here, here (hot), here (hotter), here (bootylicious), here (delicious), here (tantalizing), here (for the pleated plaid skirt lover) and here (for the boob lover).
Hello? This is Adrants, right? So where's our commentary on the Lane Bryant ad featuring a woman whose breasts are apparently too big for Fox and ABC? Excuse us if we took off a few days to enter the actual world where women with actual breasts and actual cleavage exist. And who aren't cast off as mutated oddities as the networks seem to have done to the women in the new Lane Bryant commercial.
"Good God! She has breasts! Holy shit! Look at that cleavage! We can't possibly air that! That would break our B cup limit! That would likely cause men to get erections in public!The cause groups would eat us alive! Besides, the she weighs more than 120 pounds! And that makes her fat! No one wants to see fat people in ads. Tell those fatties over at Lane Bryant that if they want that spot to air, they're going to have to cover up that cleavage."
So sexy. So not what your father's network would air.
As always, Belgian men's magazine Che promises men the prefect world, unencumbered by the silliness of rules, obligations and unfulfilled fantasies. In this Duval Guillaume-created promotion for the magazine's tenth anniversary, a man gets to experience the fantasy every man has had at least once whether or not they will admit to it.
And let's not forget the other thing men like too.
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- For those who love to spot nipple slips in YouTube videos, here's one for you from Forrest & Bob Underwear.
- As part of The One Club's Second Annual Creative Week, Southfield, Mich.-based ad agency Doner will present a retrospective celebrating 70 years of work at The One Club Gallery.
- Something about saving the future of advertising. We're not really sure.
- Hoping to alleviate the stress of tax day, Cinnabon is giving away free bite-sized cupcakes on April 15.
- Wish you could embed your ad in an email? You can. Just create a huge animated gif.
So...let's have a pillow fight. Yea, that's it. And why not? After all, pillow fights are fun. Especially when there's a lot of feather-filled pillows. And the pillows break open. And you film the thing. In slow motion. With zoom shots. And an oh-so-uber-cool throbbing soundtrack. And you stage the thing between two hot girls. In lingerie. In a bedroom. On a bed. With a third girl. Who has an ejaculating squirt gun. With pump action. That shoots water over a girl's chest. Which is gratuitously zoomed in upon. In...slow motion.
And when that isn't enough, you add a fourth girl. With two pies. Filled with cream. That end up all over the four girls. Along with the feathers. Which makes the girls look like they just appeared in a bukkake flick.
And the you ruin the whole thing by actually showing the advertised product.
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"At, we're inexpensive. Not cheap," so says Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons to Go Daddy Girl Vanessa Rousso as Danica Patrick and Candace Michelle illustrate the proper method of stripping off a jacket to reveal the Go Daddy top.
It's all part of Go Daddy's sponsorship of NBC's national Heads-Up Poker Championship. Of course, as with its Super Bowl antics, Go Daddy will unleash another "edgy" commercial called teacher which will feature Rousso. Unsurprisingly, it's said to be filled with innuendo.
Here's a video hyping the whole thing. You might want to skip the ending.
- Check out this collection of ads for products and retail outlets in Second Life. Yes, marketers, the place still exists.
- While the rest of the world seems to hate the Tiger/Earl Woods ad, some ad execs wished they had thought of the idea.
- It's finally out. KFC's bunless fried chicken sandwich. With bacon. And cheese. And an ad to pimp it.
- Hadji Williams, Peter Shankman and Adweek's Tim Nudd take on Tiger's Adness, why the internet sucks for selling stuff, the iAd revolution (it is, no, for real), and why nobody cares if Yelp lies about reviews or not.
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 Wait, What?
Bahama Fridays is up to its bikini-clad antics again. this time with prank intern interviews. Part of a Bahamas promotion, the Bahama Fridays thing has included random Grand Central Station bikini appearances and other random public stunts.
This promotion has a collection of potential interns appearing for interviews. The office staff are dressed in beach wear and go about their duties as if they were dressed normally. The interns, who don't want to appear as if anything is wrong, go about their interviews as normally as they can. Until things go a bit over the top and some of the interns themselves don beachwear and join the party.
The TRUTH campiagn could take a lesson or two from this and spice up their lame fake interview approach.
- Former Penthouse Club stripper Nicole Hughes has sued Penthouse for putting her in a Scores ad without her consent.
- Mini goes big with Man Boobs
- When Philips asks directors to create a few short movies from the same script, you know it's going to have a gratuitous ass shot.
- Ten rebranding disasters and what you should learn from them.
- Justin Long says Get A Mac campaign might be over.
- Want to make one of those consumer-generated Doritos commercial? Check out this tutorial from David Shane.
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A phone hacking ad for call management systems company Re-Tell has been banned by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority. Why? Becasue it shows the image of a woman from the backside with chains around her and a sign which reads, "Access Denied." The group ruled the ad as "likely to cause serious offense."
In the News reports, "The company explained that the photograph of the naked woman in chains was chosen because it was the 'most striking image available' when they entered the phrase 'access denied' into a search on a reputable photograph gallery."
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