To accompany the launch of its new super-perpendicular hard drive, Hitachi has released its latest cartoon. The first two were pretty funny even if they were filled with geek speak. This third one, which follows a 007 theme with a Spectre-like nemesis called E.R.R.O.R, is way too geeky for normal folk but we're sure if you watch it 100 times or so, you'll begin to understand it.
Eden Games has developed a game for Atari that takes in game advertising to a new level: in-store shopping while in the game. IGA will release the simultaneous-play game in September. In the game, Test Drive Unlimited, players, while driving around Hawaii in a selection of 100 customizable cars by Lamborghini, Feffari and Mercedes Benz, can stop and go into Ben Sherman and Marc Ecko stores and try on the fashion brands' clothing. The game will also interact with another game, Massively Open Online Racing.
IGA Worldwide CEO Justin Townsend says the company's Radial Network will track how often, when and where gamers are exposed to in-game ads.
As a follow up to their long-form video for Mac's Convenience/Mac's Froster in which the joys and pleasure of the Whack are celebrated, Toronto agency Bos has released a spot called Testimonials in which students confess to why they whack, what happens when they have a Whack, getting caught by Mom and how many whacks they have each day. Of particular interest in the female student who says, "If I like a boy, I give him a Whack." A very nice girlfriend, indeed. Of course, with the popularity of a Whack, the site's a bit slow right now so be patient and you'll get your whack too.
- Shaun Irving is traveling across Spain in a truck he converted into a giant camera. He's taking pictures for a project with *S,C,P,F, a WPP agency. The images will be displayed at the PHotoEspana photographic festival in June.
- The 47th international Clio Awards announced three ads selected as its 2006 Hall of Fame inductees: "Bear" for John West, from Leo Burnett, London; "Whassup?" on behalf of Anheuser-Busch's Budweiser brand, from DDB Worldwide, Chicago; and "Turkey (High Dive)" and "China (Tree)" for FOX Sports Network, by Cliff Freeman & Partners, New York.
- It seems sex does sex for Unilever's Axe. Axe deodorant is now the leading brand in the category.
- OnRequest Images has released a new product which can measure the impact imagery has on brand equity.
- Adverblog doesn't like the new Lonely Planet advergame and thinks it's too similar to the previously released Virgin "Exercise Your Muscle" game.

European high speed rail operator Eurostar has teamed with producer's of this summer's Tom Hank's film, The Da Vinci Code to create Join the Quest, a multi-lingual online treasure hunt game, created by space, de-construct, Stream, TBWA\London and TBWA Brussels. The game has 15 puzzles spread across a virtual Europe which must be solved to qualify as a final five contestant. At the end of the Quest, five finalists will be brought to London for a one-night stay at Claridge's Hotel before travelling by Eurostar to Paris. Once in Paris, they'll stay at the Ritz Hotel and take part in a Grand Final, where the winning code-cracker will be named. Prizes range from Sony PSP consoles to Eurostar tickets to a grand prize which includes free travel on Eurostar for the winner and a friend for the rest of their life, accommodations at the Ritz and Claridge for five years, 180,000 euros to spend inLondon and paris, 10,000 euros to spend at the Galleries Lafayette in paris, 10,000 euros to spend at Harrods in London and other specialized prizes.
Sarah Gim who writes for Joystiq attended the gaming conference E3 this week and caught Paris Hilton's appearance to promote her new Gameloft Paris Hilton Jewel Jam mobile game. Gim gives us the story on clueless PR reps, uninformed press, Hilton's need for 100 feet of clear space around her, the LAPD and Hilton's bubble-headed intelligence expressed by simple "Hello's" and Thank you's." Not to mention her screwing up the name of her own product during her intro. Anyway...
- WE is promoting the upcoming season of Bridezillas with a character blog featuring various polls, wedding tips, quizzes, wallpapers and all that crap.
- Virgin Mobile wants you to adopt a mime.
- A new study from word of mouth agency BoldMouth and research firm Osterman Research surveyed marketers on their word of mouth and buzz marketing practices. It's new, it's hard to measure but it seems to work.
- CoBRANDiT has a new video culled from those who attended the recent Portfolio Night IV.
- Bluelithium's release of its new AdPath 2.0 behavioral targeting product has provided advertisers with 200 - 300 percent increases in click-through rates.
Alex Bogusky talks to Business Week's David Kiley about his agency's work on Volkswagen, Miller Light and Burger King. Kiley's asked Bogusky about the recent VW crash ads and the controversy it created. Bogusky says he just ignoires the critics, doen't think about them during the creative process and thinks only about what will help the client move product. Oh, an he seems to have a new haircut. Check it all out here. We're not sure about "having a relationship with" a rabbit though.
PETA is calling attention to National Orgasm Day. The holiday has been celebrated in Brazil for a long time but is now, apparently, coming to America. Of course, PETA is saying red meat clogs the arteries therefore lessening the pleasure of one's orgasm. Leave it to PETA to latch onto anything that causes a bit of sensationalism.
Vancouver, Canada resident has collected a bunch of images on Flickr for a recent Virgin Mobile campaign promoting an after 6PM calling plan. The campaign consists of red 666 street postings which you can see here.