Nothing Like A Bullet to the Head to Deliver a Message


Well now. Here's a jarring tidbit for a holiday week. Nothing like a bullet to the head to ruin a peaceful Cape Cod vacation. So we've all heard the oft-spoken phrase "friends don't let friends drink and drive." This Indonesian effort from Advance Advertising doesn't waste time preaching. It jumps right to the forgone conclusion of that phrase and puts a gun to the head of passengers as they leave an alcohol-fueled party.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-10    
Topic: Cause

Angry Moms and Guns Deliver Message: Don't F%$K With Our Kids


Well here's an interesting approach to make communities aware of threats against children. We all know moms can get pretty worked up when their child is in peril. But whipping out a full-on Sly Stallone-style arsenal?

Yes, this commercial says "You don't need a gun to protect your kids" but why, then, gather together four moms, hand over the stockpile and let them go nuts? Yes, there's the whole metaphor thing but we really think the ad's creators just thought it would be cool to give a bunch on moms some guns and watch them shoot. In slow motion. With really angry, don't fuck-with-my-kids looks on their faces.

Way to get the gun control conversation started.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-23-10    
Topic: Cause

Mullen Pings, BP Remixes, Flash Mob Fails Again


- Last night Mullen faced Digitas in the first-ever Mullen versus Digitas Ping Pong Tournament. (Nice girl through the guy's legs treatment)

- College Humor helps BP get its Domino's on.

- No. Your Dad does not want a tie for Father's Day this year. Wait, does anyone wear ties anymore?

- Six Flags and Walmart have partnered to offer customers discounts to Six Flags when shopping at Walmart.

- To raise awareness and money for the Greater New Orleans Foundation Gulf Coast, San Francisco-based Pereira & O'Dell are...opening a satellite office off the coast of Naknek, Alaska.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-18-10    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Research, Spoofs, Video

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Ends Search For PR Firm


Claiming the decision had nothing to do with PETA's effort to highlight its treatment of baby elephants, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, yesterday, announced it will end its search for a public relations agency.

With a $30,000 monthly retainer on the RFP Feld Entertainment VP of Corporate Communications Stephen Payne told PRNewser, "We received a very positive response from over two dozen firms and were in the process of whittling that down when we took a hard look at all the proposals and a hard look at our staff internally, and came to conclusion that we could do most of what we were looking for in house."

Of the search for a PR firm, PETA EVP Tracy Reiman said, "Ringling is a public relations nightmare waiting to happen. There's not a PR team in the world that is slick enough to sell the beating of baby elephants, the whipping of tigers, and the use of chains, bullhooks, and electric prods on animals--all for the sake of a few cheap tricks."

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by Steve Hall    Jun-18-10    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Cause, Opinion

Bloodied Organs Removed From Fur Purse


Along the lines of the spinning model who flails blood all over the audience as she catwalks down the runway comes this not so new anti-fur commercial from the International Anti-Fur Coalition. Created by Lowe Bull in South Africa, the ad has three women eating lunch together. One of the women gets a phone call and, as she digs through her purse for her phone, she pulls out the internal organs of the animal that was killed to make her fur purse.

It's a nice take on how oblivious some of us can be to the effect we have on other living creatures. It closes nicely with the tagline, "If only everyone could see the real cost of fur."

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by Steve Hall    Jun-15-10    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Good

Following Urban Outfitters' 'Eat Less,' Lanacane Says 'Eat More'


In the "We've Got a Solution for Every Problem" Department of Pharmaceutical Genius they've been staying up late this week examining a burning problem: chafing. Yes, chafing. Apparently, some pharmaceutical companies have become bored with finding a cure for cancer.

In this commercial for Lanacane the Pharmaceutical Geniuses solve chafing with a gel. The ad starts off with some chubby balloon characters whose limbs rub together "painfully" when they walk. The announcer says, "If you chafe when you move, it hurts." He the offers up Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel saying, "Stop chafing. Keep moving"

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by Steve Hall    Jun-14-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion, Strange

Alex Bogusky Simplifies Global Warming and Offers Solution


Crispin Porter + Bogusky is out with a great new PSA which features Alex Bogusky breaking down all the crap surrounding global warming and simplifying it into easy to understand terms. In this two minute video, Bogusky likens "global warming" to pollution and the famed crying Indian ad that addressed that problem back in the sixties and seventies.

The simple message was and is "pollution is bad, clean is good." He argues it should be the same with the global warming issue. Carbon in the air is bad. Less of it is good. Focus on the problem. Solve the problem. And leave the scientific and political blather out of the room.

Kudos to Bogusky for delivering a clear and concise message that makes it much easier for people to understand what it is they should do without extended and pointless debate.

Just pick up the box.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-10    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Good

Hate Homosexuals? Make Them Get Married


This is beyond awesome! A new short film asks if you don't agree with gay lifestyle, why would you then support prop8 and spare them from a life of wedded misery?

This interesting piece of reverse logic, Devin & Glenn, stars Justin Long and Mike White as a gay couple. Directed by Furlined team Will Speck and Josh Gordon, the 3:30 video also features Tom Arnold and Nora Dunn.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-10    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Good, Video

No Amount of Blood, Guts, Emotion Will Stop Drunk Driving


The impending doom in this French road safety PSA is tough to take. We've seen enough of these PSAs to realize immediately what its inevitable, if not rather predictable, conclusion will be. And it's never pretty. Not when alcohol and young adults are involved.

For five minutes, we are taken through the cringe worthy story of a few party happy twenty-somethings as they go about their evening festivities. Inter-cut with this are shots of the parents of these kids and the sad truths they must face.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-10    
Topic: Cause

Islands Found, Books Shilled, Lebron Begged, Billboard Smelled


- Need to find the best ferry to the Cape and Islands? Yea. There's an app for that.

- The Art Directors Club will host the ADC Young Guns 5+5 Thursday June 10 at the ADC Gallery. Five winners from ADC Young Guns 7 pick five creatives they admire, all 10 present their work Pecha Kucha-style: 20 slides + 20 seconds each = 400 seconds to tell their story.

- This billboard stinks. The billboard uses an attached fan to disperse charcoal and pepper fragrance from scented oil.

- Even more Amazon book review shilling.

- Bloomberg really wants Lebron James to come to New York.

- Rich media ads come to the iPad. Yawn.

- Deutsch is out with new work for Dr. Pepper featuring Michael Strahan.

- Watercooler Inc. has partnered with Fox Soccer to premiere EPIC GOAL, an all-new Facebook game that debuts today.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-10    
Topic: Cause, Industry Events, Outdoor, Poster, Social, Tools