Recycle Right: Start with All Those Hoarded Dreams


In this charming new spot for its "Save Today, Save Tomorrow" campaign (an unwieldy URL if you ask me), EDF Energy enlisted Miklha Singh, Anne Packer and Sammy Lee to reflect on their Olympic glories, using "recycled" footage of them in their prime.

The ad concludes with a shot of the adorable Lee and the tagline, "This commercial was made from recycled dreams." Better recycled than left broken, I guess.

The spot was created by FEEL Films for Euro RSCG/London. It marks Phase II of EDF's "It's not easy being green" campaign -- another effort that appears to have been shaped in the blistering flames of nostalgia.

I liked it a great deal, even with the epilepsy-inducing London 2012 Olympics logo at the end.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-30-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Good, Sponsorship, Television

Jim Beam Becomes Patron to Those With Stuff Inside


In a significant move, distiller Jim Beam will re-focus future advertising from hyping heritage, quality and integrity and, instead, "highlight individuals and organizations that share its own values and have 'The Stuff Inside'", which is not at all a nod to, ya know, the stuff inside a Jim Beam bottle.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-29-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good

Karl Lagerfeld Donned the Yellow Vest. Why Not You?


When they need to promote a drab or tiresome message, French creatives always know what buttons to push: the really, really shallow ones.

At left, Chanel's Karl Lagerfeld encourages pedestrians and motorists to wear yellow safety vests with the following message (big merci to desedo for translating): "It's yellow, it's ugly, it doesn't go with anything, but it could save your life."

Thank you, Lord Lagerfeld. I will never complain about my bicycle helmet or plump orange swimming vest ever, ever again.

The effort is part of a French government safety campaign. As of July 1, the vest and reflective triangle will be mandatory for drivers and cyclists.

Wince. No wonder they enlisted The Karl. It sounds unforgivably tasteless. Oh, the sacrifices you make in the name of life.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-27-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Magazine, Poster

Death Copy Edited, Whales Saved, GrapeNuts Explained


- This one's for all the obsessive compulsive spelling and grammar police in the audience.

- Give Hayden Pannetierre and friends a hand. Send a virtual origami whale, courtesy of Greenpeace, to the Japanese Prime Minister and ask him to stop whaling.

- Oh look. The Nokia N-Series solves all the world's communications needs. Yup. Just one phone does it all.

- Why does a cereal brand need a website? Who knows but this guy tries his best to explain.

- Disney may have another High School Musical on its hands with Camp Rock which was the most watched show on TV this past Friday night.

by Steve Hall    Jun-26-08    
Topic: Cause, Video

Starbucks Goes Bananas, Mennen Spiffs, Cusack Talks Dirty Politics, Microsoft Bans 'Gay'


- Can your manly-man hair pass the caress test?

- If a chaste mermaid won't save Starbucks, maybe frozen bananas will. (Ugh, dude.)

- Some celebrities educate the public on the Burma situation; John Cusack tallies similarities between McCain and Bush. MoveOn, as usual, is helping raise money to get the ad on air.

- Apparently the Copyright Nazis are after more than just pirates these days. In the UK, you can be prosecuted for playing music too loud or playing it for callers on hold without a license. From now on, let's just keep all music secret and see how the record industry fares.

- Baseball and the Tour de France aren't the only sports to disillusion one-time fans; almost half of Advertising Age readers believe the NBA rigs its games. I fondly await the day Canadians lose faith in hockey. Oh wait, many - already - have.

- A Microsoft Xbox Live group banned a player because he used "gay" in his gamer tag, "RichardGaywood." Upon discovering that was the guy's name, they BANNED IT ANYWAY. Microsoft, you charmers, you.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-15-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Events, Online, Political

Lindsay Lohan Fronts Visa Swap Fashion Show


Last week, Visa announced Lindsay Lohan would become the new face of this year's Visa Swap fashion show, a UK event which encourages people to swap unwanted clothing. Along with clothing charity Traid, Visa Swap is the place for the fashion conscious to check out the duds of their fellow fashion conscious brethren and buy them with points earned for donating their own clothes. All clothing items left over are donated to Traid.

[Witty Lindsay Lohan comment about how her clothes are no good because they are likely alcohol or puke-stained from her social antics goes here's just not presenting itself right now.]

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-08    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Events

Dude, Children Are Serious Athletes!


Playing against the somewhat limiting squeaky clean image the International Children's Games has, Grey SF came up with a campiagn that makes kids look at bit more...hmm...Dennis Rodman. Cuz, well, who wants to see a perfect Limited Too kid with Hannah Montana sneakers when you can see kids with tattoos, soccer ball heads and ears pierced with golf clubs?

Grey Creative Director said, "Once people heard about the idea, help came from all over. World-renowned photographer Jill Greenberg joined the team. Then the free media poured in with billboards, wildpostings, bus shelters, and posters. But best of all, the kids ate it up. So much so, we offered free haircuts and henna tattoos to any kid who wanted one, turning hundreds of kids into walking billboards."

Nothing wrong with a bit of kid-powered viral marketing. See the other two ads here and here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good

Kids' Ambitions Reflect the World Their Parents Made


In "School," a Greenpeace ad by DDB/Paris, a teacher poses this question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Her students' responses are laced with guilt-inducing grownup undercurrents: climate worries, health concerns and capitalist gusto conceived in ecological exploitation. Fascinating.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-11-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Good, Television

ONDCP Puts Hispanic Parents on Drug Alert ... by Villainizing Their Children


Coinciding with the (coincidental!) release of a CDC survey that found Hispanic teens more likely to use drugs and try suicide than black and white kids, the Office for National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) launched this really weird campaign.

The heading above the girl at left says, "I sell drugs during recess." And here's one where a sheepish-looking boy divulges, "Yesterday, I offered marijuana to your daughter."

The effort will appear in print, on TV and over the radio.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-08    
Topic: Cause, Magazine, Poster, Worst

That Dog Really, Really Likes That Leg


OK so there's nothing new about a horny dog humping a person's leg. Happens all the time. In fact, embarrassingly, it happened in the middle of a Cub Scout den meeting years ago. I never lived that one down. Anyway, this humping dog comes courtesy of Erwin-Penland for the Greenville Humane Society in South Carolina. It's goal is to urge pet owners to spay and neuter their furry one under the heading, Sips for Snips.Snips??? That's just painful!

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Good, Racy