Diaper Full of Shit Helps Reduce Teen Pregnancy


There are thousands of ways to dissuade teens from ending up pregnant. A diaper full of shit isn't one we've seen before. But we like it because that's what a newborn will, without fail, bring to a new mother. Hour after hour. Day after Day. Week after week. Month after month. You get the picture. It's a steady flow of...OK...let's not go there. Let's just say it's a commitment. A lifetime commitment. Once a person makes the decision to have a baby, it's forever. That baby, no matter how old it gets, will always be a baby to his or hers parents. And if the parent isn't up to the job and isn't there for the child, that poor baby's life is going to be an endless uphill battle.

So if you're going to have a baby, you had better be ready to deal with a lot of shit because that's what coming your way.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-11-09    
Topic: Cause

National Preparedness Month Preps Us For '2012'


We're diggin' this new ad from Ready.gov by Cramer-Krassalt for National Preparedness Month which encourages people to be ready for any kind of disaster the universe might throw our way. Even the inexplicable, gravity-defying kind. As a family and all their belongings are tossed about in slow motion, an announcer asks, "What if a disaster strikes without warning? What if life as you know it has completely turned on its head? What if everything familiar becomes everything but?"

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 9-09    
Topic: Cause, Commercials

Lingerie Thermalized, Whitehouse Facebooked, 911...Again


- Just how hot can lingerie advertising be? Thermal imaging hot!

- Not all families have the financial wherewithal to support their kids' childhood sporting desires. Thankfully, Canadian Tire's Jumpstart program can come to the rescue.

- Whitehouse website gets Facebooked.

- Can't get enough 9/11-themed ads? Check out Adland's collection including a strange one for Moscow News.

- AT&T explains why their service sucks...and what they're doing to improve it.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-09    
Topic: Cause, Racy

One Club to Ban Award Show Scammers.


A happy ending to an ad nauseam kinda week? Ad Age reports that the One Club has decided to ban any agency that submits scam art from its One Show competition for five years. In doing so, the intent is to cut down on work produced exclusively for award shows. Face it, having just one single award show do this is not enough. Other shows need to join with them here, and One Club leadership has apparently reached out to the other major shows. Regardless of comments that say this is too little, too late, it's a big step considering what's been done to this point. Credit to the One Club for addressing the problem.

Is it the same thing as enforcing existing rules only with harsher penalties the way pro sports do when it comes to steroids? Maybe. But change comes with small moves, right? Whether this seems like it was in response to one blogger's calls for such a ban I can only guess, but it's a big start in the right direction.

by Bill Green    Sep- 7-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Creative Commentary

Why Not Cleanse the 9/11 Palette With a Little AIDS-Stricken Hitler?


Talk about a headline. What's better than AIDS? Getting screwed by an infamous world leader of course. George Parker has a campaign from Germany called AIDS is a mass murderer from Regenbogen e.V. in conjunction with German agency das comitee. Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Joseph Stalin stand at the ready to service the people. (Ouch.) It rivals the DDB 9/11 party going on for shock value, that's for sure--and it's just as misguided, falling into the same cliched trap. (NSFW clip after the jump.)

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by Bill Green    Sep- 4-09    
Topic: Cause, Creative Commentary

The Case They Don't Want You To See!


That line almost always guarantees traffic, donnit. Seems that Cash4Gold.com has taken issue with the Consumerist's reporting on the company. (Yes, the same company with Hammer in the Super Bowl spot.) The history of the story is a long but compelling read that you can check out for yourself. It raises a lot of issues, from brands trying to control the internet to a consumer's right to know.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 2-09    
Topic: Cause

Do 30 At a Time.

ido30.pngDegrees freaks, degrees. Washing clothes in 30 degree water saves lives, lives I said. Wait, trees? Oh yeah. Trees. It saves trees. No, that's not it. Bio-innovation company Novozymes and Danish agency Mindjumpers calculated that if all households in Europe go to coldwashing (30 degrees celcious - hence the name), it can save the same amount of CO2 as produced by 3 million cars a year. Yeah, that's it. Find out more on their website and take their pledge, or try their, wait for it... Facebook app page thing. First though, check out a happy clip below.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 2-09    
Topic: Cause

Losing Fuel, Teddy's dead legs and Mad Women

- Fuel loses fuel.

- MCD gives those hardworking kids a day off in the city.

- Well, that didn't take long. Long live Teddy's dead legs.

- Fake WWF campaign lands just in time for 9/11!

- Where the white women at?

by Bill Green    Sep- 1-09    
Topic: Cause, Creative Commentary, Opinion, Political, Specialty

Apparently Naomi Would Rather Wear Fur


From the People For the Ethical Cashing of Checks files...

Looks like Naomi won't be invited for that PETA calendar shoot in 2010. Hey man, long as that shit clears. (Via.)

by Bill Green    Sep- 1-09    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity

Spays Not Strays


Cat, nipped? Unwanted teen cat pregnancies are nothing to joke about. The shame of having to raise a litter as a single mom can be overwhelming, and kitten mittens* is not enough. Won't you please help? Agency Erwin-Penland is with a new integrated Humane Society campaign that incorporates traditional media with digital and extensive out-of-home initiatives (cut-outs of cats throughout downtown Greenville, etc). So where's the work you say? We wanna show you, but they didn't send us** anything except the website with animated kitty page takeover.***

*Shameless attempt to work this clip in. **Shameless attempt to work in a mention re: the ongoing problem with PR releases and basic shit like including the ad agency's url. Hard to give a shop love when you't include a link. ***Kitty Page Takeover plays two shows this week in Greenvilee btw. I KID.

by Bill Green    Sep- 1-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause