@dabitch and @leighhouse graced our morningtime desks with this rabbit rubbish bin. The bins are designer Paul Smith's contribution to Super Contemporary, an exhibit that launched at London's Design Museum this week.
The "New London Rubbish Bins" will solicit garbage over the next four months at Covent Garden and Holland Park. Ears light up when you toss a little something-something into their sacks.
More photos at High Snobiety.
Good way to bring design character to a city and reward constructive community behaviour. Here's hoping no malevolent clothes irons appear over the horizon.
Ben Muller sent us word of I Got an Envelope, a social art project where people leave empty self-addressed envelopes in random places. The hope is that some (ideally not malevolent) person will come across the envelope, fill it with magical things, and send it back to the owner.
Charming. Or not:
One guy just walked by our desk, peered down at what we were covering, smirked and said "I'd sprinkle coal on a note with the words, 'YOU DON'T BELONG.' Written in lipstick."
Seems disturbingly like he thought that through beforehand.
In a new Arnold-created campaign, truth did some fake job interviews with real people. The interviewees were asked questions by a trained actor who posed as a recruiter. The whole thing was recorded by a hidden camera. In the interviews, the actor slides in a few tobacco-related facts and questions just to see how the interviewees react. The results are mildly amusing. Take a look at the spots here.
This June Kid Rock kicks off the Red Stag, part of a promotional partnership with Jim Beam for its new cherry-infused Bourbon.
It all goes down on the 14th, when Kid Rock serves as Grand Marshall of the NASCAR Sprint Cup's Lifelock 400 Race. Jim Beam will sponsor Kid Rock's 2009 Rock N' Rebels tour, and together, via Operation Homefront, both brands will raise funds for emergency aid, moving help, computer programs and care packages for the underprivileged nationwide.
"I've been drinking Jim Beam and singing about it my whole career, so when they approached us it was a no-brainer," said Kid Rock, who makes plen'y more sense than crazy-ass Gene Simmons did when he became the face of Dr. Pepper Cherry.
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Last year California passed Prop 8, which bans same-sex marriage within the state. The months preceding its formalization were trying ones for our gay friends in the Sunshine State; one of them even scanned freeways in pursuit of Prop 8 signs to vandalize.
In the months since, the climate surrounding Prop 8's gotten feverish. Fresh faces are leaping onto the revocation boat with the birth of a new campaign, No H8, advocated by duct-taped and facepainted social celebrities like Lacey Schwimmer, Perez, B. Scott, Calpernia Addams and Tila Tequila (at left) -- whose A Shot at Love series was labeled the first-ever bisexual dating show. =P
Yesterday California's Supreme Court released its decision about whether to uphold the controversial law. We found out this morning that it remains intact, which means you can expect a few demonstrations wherever they can be organized. I'm also pretty sure the aforementioned celebs will be tearing the tape off their faces and going on blast.
Worth noting: same-sex marriages that occurred before the ban will still be recognized, but try saying that at a cocktail party full of Evangelicals.
Behind-the-scenes vid for No H8, and more photos, are available at the campaign website.
"The big, fat, silver torpedo that is the Chipotle burrito is as iconic (in this city, anyway) as an Absolut bottle or a Converse shoe," lauds the Denver Egotist, bringing to mind billboards that have taken us by surprise more than once.
"So what better way to start off a brand new campaign than to ditch the thing you're most famous for in favor of a bland, new Taco Bell-styled menu and some insipid value statements that are saturating the market in this shitty economy. Oh, and how about a new logo, too? Something that could sit nicely on the shelf at Target with the other Archer Farms produce?"
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Cannes Young Lions competition entries for client Oxfam Great Britain have been mixed -- and the stuff we've seen has been wince-worthy, running the "Horrors!" gamut from complete mundanity to gratuitous panty-dancing violence.
That all changes with "Douchebag Pie," arguably the greatest climate change awareness ad for Generation: YouTube ever created.
And if it singlehandedly brings the word "douchebag" to the French lexicon, then all the better.
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There's this cute little "climate change art group" called The Canary Project, which in turn is working on something called Green Patriot Posters, which looks to me like kids marketing climate change awareness in various ways.
Look: they have billboards! And adorable little tennis shoes!
The cute custom sneaks are the work of students at McCormack Middle School in MA, which were encouraged to express their knowledge of their carbon footprints on a pair each. The sneakers now appear in associated billboards along with the tagline: "The Kids at McCormack School know their CARBON FOOTPRINT. What about YOU?"
Peruse more earnest little posters, or make your own, at the website.
This is madness, thick and black, I Know What You Did Last Summer-style.
To spread Oxfam's global warming awareness message, and as (yet another) entry to the Cannes Young Lions ad festival, some dark-humoured cat put together this creepy piece of work.
Ooh, it's getting hot in here. Like a seedy American Apparel ad, some dancing hutch starts peeling off her clothes. And suddenly...
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For the Cannes Young Lions Ad Contest, Y&R Interactive/Israel/Mizbala entered a video on behalf of Oxfam Great Britain. All it does is drive climate change-conscious users to the Oxfam YouTube page -- kind of a cheap prize after sitting through virtually nothing of entertainment value and then clicking -- actually clicking! -- on a button embedded inside the video.
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