Prostitute Flash Mob Calls Attention to Human Trafficking


Stop the Traffic, an international organization that fights human trafficking is out with a flash mob-style guerrilla effort created by Duval Guillaume and produced by monodot. In Amsterdam's red light district "prostitutes" can be seen breaking into dance. When the dance ends, a projected message reads, "Every year thousands of women are promised a dance career in Western Europe. Sadly, they und up here." Not exactly what the crowd was expecting but a powerful message none the less.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-25-12    
Topic: Cause, Racy, Video

PETA Dresses Playboy Bunny Sheridyn Fisher in Lettuce Bikini


Continuing its mission to recruit and exploit every last woman on earth with a hot body, PETA is out with yet another lettuce-fueled GoVeg campaign. This one features Playboy Bunny Sheridyn Fisher sporting a lettuce bikini. The oh-so-witty copy reads, "Be a Binny's Honey. Go Vegitarian."

Yea? If that were true every last man on earth would be eating heads of lettuce in hopes of receiving some intimate love from his hottie of choice.

by Steve Hall    Apr-13-12    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Racy

Agency Has Fun With Timeline, Gratuitous Ass Shot of the Day


- As agencies get their Facebook Timeline in order, we're bound to see interesting iterations such as this one from Brunner Works.

- Gratuitous ass shot of the day. This one ends with a twist.

- Very strange. Clorox now makes bacon flavored cat litter and cleaning products. Hmm.

- Mazda is out with a new commercial for its 2013 CX-5 crossover SUV. Lee Majors would love it!

- Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Rich Silverstein, founder of Hacking Autism, is out with a trailer for his I Want to Say short. The film takes a look at touch screen technology and how it has help kids with autism.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-30-12    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Commercials, Racy, Strange

Courtney Stodden Helps PETA Lose All Credibility


If you want to wallow in the idiocy of youth, be sure to watch this PETA video featuring 17 year old Courtney Stodden, the bimbo (and she is a bimbo) who married 51 year old actor Doug Hutchinson. In the video Stodden talks about her distate for eating things with a face.

Of the video, one commenter has this to say, "The message is obscured by the choice in spokesperson. Courtney Stodden is famous for being a child bride, and that in itself is a sad social issue. Her vapid, underdeveloped personality stands in stark contrast with the grave issue of animal cruelty. It's hard for anyone to take PETA's campaigns seriously at this point. We need a new organisation to take up this cause and make it relevant again. All animals deserve more."

PETA has always pushed boundaries leveraging the nudity of celebrities for its causes but with Stodden, clearly a woman who hasn't properly matured mentally, PETA can hardly be taken, if ever it was, seriously as a cause group.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-30-12    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Video

Fear of Embarrassment Convinces Teens Not to Drink


Guided by the strategy that teens care more about controlling what happens in their personal lives then they do about placing themselves in danger, Esparza Advertising created two commercial for Mothers Against Drunk Driving that take on the issue of control.

In one spot, a passed out teen gets his head shaved. In another, a passed out girl gets her shirt unbuttoned. Neither is something either would like to wake up to.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-28-12    
Topic: Cause

Shit Kids Say


So the Shit People Say thing has been played out right? Perhaps not. Check out this Shit Kids Say work from the UK's NSPCC, an organization that aims to prevent child abuse. It's an insightful presentation about how abused children might interact with one another.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-28-12    
Topic: Cause

Israel Palestine Conflict Remembered by Two Boys in the Future


Eitan Chitayat, a creative in Tel Aviv, sent us this two minute video he's been working on for the past couple of years. A personal, pro-bono project for The Fund for Reconciliation, Tolerance and Peace, the video features two boys - one Israeli and one Palestinian - who, in the future, imagine what life must have been like when conflict between the two was the norm.

The work was a group effort with help from Lobo of Brazil, Birdo Studio, The Ebling Group, Wicked Music, Firefly Productions and Sweet Sound.

Wonderful work.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-26-12    
Topic: Cause

Porn Star Sasha Grey Advocates Equal Pay For Women


Wow. Just wow. Very powerful stuff. Very compelling message. Very bold approach. Very daring, in fact. Porn star Sasha Gray, who has made a lot of money doing things most people would never consider doing, can be seen in a commercial for EqualPayDay, an organization that fights to close the wage gap for women. According to EqualPayDay, women make 22 percent less than men for the same job.

Of the disparity in salary between men and women, EqualPayDay says, "One of the main reasons this issue still exists is that too often young women make career choices led by general expectations. Equal Pay Day however wants to motivate them to think about these expectations, and not just follow them blindly. Sasha Grey wants to as well, and to help spark the debate, she's agreed to share the story about her short but demanding career in adult entertainment."

While it's doubtful porn will ever go away, it's sad that, for some women, it's one of the only ways to make more money than men.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-12-12    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Racy

Boy Watches Himself Rape Girl in Rape Prevention Ad


After research indicated the lines were a bit blurry among British teenagers in terms of what constitutes rape, the UK's Home Office - with help from RCKR/Y&R - launched a campaign that asks, "If you could see yourself, would you see rape?"

The ad gives us the scene of a boy forcing himself on a girl. The camera then pulls back to reveal the boy watching himself with the girl. The question is then asked which urges the participant to step back and ask if what he is doing is right.

The goal of the campaign is to get boys to realize just what rape is and to urge girls to say no to unwanted advances.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 6-12    
Topic: Cause

Unplanned Pregnancy Campaign Wants Your Sex Fails


The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy along with the Ad Council are out with a new Facebook application. Bedsider is a program to help women aged 18-29 better understand the different forms of birth control, use their chosen method more carefully and consistently, and live a healthy, happy sex life without having to worry about unplanned pregnancy.

On the Facebook page, women can publicly or anonymously add their funny and embarrassing #sexfails to the list. Some of the entries are fairly amusing.

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-12    
Topic: Cause