Deutsch Borrows Old Navy Mannequins For Underage Drinking Campaign


Driving home the point real kids are curious about alcohol, three new Ad Council/SAMHSA PSAs use mannequins to remind parents their kids just might not be as innocent and innocuous as they think.

The campaign targets parents of 12-20 year olds leading up to Alcohol Awareness Month in April. Accompanying the commercials are radio, magazine, newspaper and Web.

See the ads here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-25-10    
Topic: Cause

Canada Wants to See Your Butt


Hey, the colon is located in the ass region so why not promote the cause by calling attention to the area? Which is exactly what the Canadian Colorectal Cancer Association hopes to do with Get Your Butt Seen, a flashmob-style promotion on March 31 involving, well, a lot of butts.

The promotional sites says, "Users can upload images of different bottoms that appear to have been taken by a photocopier or upload an image of their own backside and then send it to their friends via e-mail or for posting on Facebook."

Um. Seriously? That's just gross. Who really wants to see a picture of a stranger's hairy ass? And you know they're all going to be hairy and ugly. No self-respecting, bootylicios hottie is going to hop on a copy machine for this idiocy.

Ogilvy in Montreal is to blame for the oncoming hairy ass fest.

by Steve Hall    Mar-24-10    
Topic: Bad, Cause, Strange

Breasts Write Poetry to One Another


Because this is America and because, it seems, everyone freaks out at the site of nudity, we can't really show you all of this Pink Ribbon Magazine campaign which benefits the Pink Ribbon Foundation of Netherlands. But you can click over to Adland to see the nudity in all its glory.

The campaign aims to treat each of "the girls" as life-long friends, joined by poetry, who can't be separated by the nastiness of breast cancer.

Grey Amsterdam created the campaign.

by Steve Hall    Mar-23-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Magazine, Racy

Earth Hour Wants You to Webcam


The Viral Factory is seeding a video and flash website that aim to call attention to World Wide Fund's Earth Hour this Saturday when, for one hour, people are asked to turn their lights off to save energy.

There are two versions of the video. Both are animated and take you through a guy's daily activities. The website, using you computer's camera senses whether or not it's light out and changes what you see.

by Steve Hall    Mar-22-10    
Topic: Cause, Online, Video

Heidi Montag's Breasts Advocate For Credit Card Reform


Somehow a reality TV star who recently had ten plastic surgeries in one day including the addition of ginormous breasts is qualified to appear in a Ron Howard-directed PSA for credit card reform. It's stupid. It's funny. It's dumb. But it's impossible not to watch. If only to see whether or not those ginormous breasts will fall out of that tiny dress.

more »

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-10    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity

SeaWorld Death Leveraged For Animal Cruelty Campaign


In a morbid bid to capitalize on the SeaWorld tragedy, the World Society for Protection of Animals has hired Work Club to create a new campaign to dissuade British tourists from patronizing "cruel" attractions while on vacation. In other words, don't go to SeaWorld.

"Our aim is to reduce the economic viability of tourist attractions that rely on animal cruelty to generate revenue from British tourists," said WSPA UK's Director, Suzi Morris.

All well and good but your timing is a bit questionable, Suzi.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 4-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Worst

Too Much Sex Bad, Wonderbra Magnifies, Interns Twisted


- PETA has latched on the to the Tier Woods saga with a billboard telling us too much sex can be a bad thing.

- Why do we still care about anything Donny Deutsch has to say?

- Want to hire some interns? Olson has an interesting way of doing it.

- If you're crossing the Canadian border, make sure you wear the right clothes.

- Like staring at women in lingerie? Then you'll love the latest from Wonderbra.

- ISO 9000 accreditation increased a Rochester New York's creative output. Who knew a decidely manufacturing-centric accreditation could do such a thing?

- DIxie Bones is going social. It's new "social" site launches March 1. Before March 1, that URL displays an old website and the new may be viewed, temporarily, here. The Republik created.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Celebrity, Online, Outdoor

Honking Hooters Are Funny...Until They Don't Honk Any Longer


OK so the whole honking hooters thing is nothing knew but we find the application of the joke in this video urging women to get a mammogram to be both humorous and compelling. You see, breasts are fun. They're fun to have, fun to play with, fun to look at, fun to make jokes about.

But it's no laughing matter when it comes to breast cancer. No laughing matter at all. The video was made by Alexandra Askot and Rafael Donato.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-10    
Topic: Cause

Ad Council Says Re-Learn Life Without Cigarettes


Having viewed yet another truth interview commercial and made the decision not to bore you with it, we decided, instead, to share a different take on quitting smoking. And it has to do with readjusting to a life without smoking.

From GSD&M Idea City (wasn't plain old GSD&M good enough?) comes this Ad Council campaign for Legacy called EX. Along with two television commercials (see below), there's a website on which those who hope to quit an share their successes and challenges.

There's also radio, posters and branded air fresheners. See all the campaign elements here.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Poster, Radio

Tebow Founds, Marijuana Dispensed, Moms Appreciated


- Tim Tebow now has a Foundation.

- Even medicinal marijuana shops need ad campaigns.

- P&G and Walmart love moms. The same way. In similar commercials.

- Who cares about your best ad. We want to see your first ad. And so does Freshman Ads, a new blog that highlights the first efforts of creatives the world over.

- Face it. Guys are assholes.

- Good God! Is there enough business babble speak in this interview with MediaVest's Amanda Richman?

- Tums tames overactive chicken. Saves guy from getting a a wing to the face.

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause