Nude PETA Angel Says 'Always Adopt. Never Buy'


Oh PETA, how we love to hate you. Or is it hate to love you? Either way, it doesn't matter. You're a bit hypocritical in your efforts to rid the world of everything eatable, wearable and comforting but you do know how you make a sexy ad that gets people's panties in a bunch. And your latest is no exception.

You've got an almost naked woman - Playboy's Joanna Krupa - holding a cross and floating in mid air as if she were an angel. All to call attention to the fact people shouldn't buy animals. It seems almost moot you're ads rarely every appear anywhere other than on your website and in the press but that's kinda the point, right? All you're after s publicity. You really couldn't care less where people get their animals or what they think of you killing most of the animals in your care.

No, It's all about nudity. And press. And scandal. And salaciousness. And titillation. And press. And sensationalism. And did we say nudity?

by Steve Hall    Dec- 3-09    
Topic: Cause

AIDS is Such A Prick


In this unendorsed campaign for World AIDS Day, The Now Corporation's Owen Plotkin has chosen some real pricks to illustrate the fact AIDS is an equal opportunity killer and a lot of support is needed to fight the disease and help two million children in Africa who need assistance.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Cause

PETA Ruins Thanksgiving


Oh come on, PETA! Can't we enjoy Thanksgiving without your preachy bitchiness? Apparently not thanks to the know-it-all little girl who gives thanks prior to eating Thanksgiving dinner with her family.

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Cause, Video

Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa 'Funk Off'


This comment may best sum up this recent work from LAVA Communications in Sydney promoting the December appearance of The Dalai Lama in Australia for a series of talks and teachings: "A band dressed up as old famous people. It's been done. Fail."

A video, called The Nobel Funk Off, is being sold as having been created by "An anonymous private supporter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama." In other words, it was created by the agency which also says it will "shift focus" in a couple of weeks to reveal more about the event.

Hey, it's all in good fun. right?

by Steve Hall    Nov-23-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Events

AIDS Gets the Finger


Two makes a trend, right? If so, kicking the shit out of diseases is no officially a trend. Not that the shit hasn't been kicked out of diseases before but last week's prostate cancer blob ass whipping from TBWA\Chiat\Day and this week's fingering of AIDS by acHe, Barcelona, Spain, I think we can safely say there's a trend a foot.

Nonsense or can we expect to see an army of high-heeled hookers stomping holes in a colon cancer character or needle-wielding clowns poking holes in women's boobs all in the name of eradicating breast cancer?

by Steve Hall    Nov-23-09    
Topic: Cause, Poster

Method Trashes Dow's Horny Scrubbing Bubbles


In the most hilarious cleaning product commercial in recent memory, Method has some fun with Dow's Scrubbing Bubbles. Of course, they don't mention Dow by name but it's clear who's being referred to in this ad.

After fifteen seconds of gleefully shinetastic, but nauseatingly realistic scrubbing bubble commercialism, we see a woman enter her shower only to be confronted by a gaggle of horny bubbles who leer at her and beg her to clean herself in front of them.

It's all part of Method's support for the Household Product Labeling Acts which, ostensibly, would make Dow Scrubbing Bubbles look like a can of acid compared to Method's more natural approach to cleaning.

And yea, this witty little commercial caused a giant kerfuffle.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Strange

Anti-Cancer PSA Backfires, Makes Prostate Cancer Blob Likable


These are the most idiotic ads we've seen in a while. So cancer is bad, right? Of course it is. We should hate it and want to beat the shit out of it. Which is exactly what a bunch of guys do in these PSAs from TBWA\Chiat|Day. The trouble is, as AdFreak points out, is that the poor prostate cancer blob in these ads is almost likable in a cute stuffed animal sort of way.

So when the guys gang up on him to beat the crap out of him, we almost wish the police would show up and slam these guys down on the hood of their cruisers and twist their arms up into cuffs.

more »

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Cause

Waaaa, But It Doesn't Sell Gum, Waaaa

Shooosh. It reinforces Orbit gum's clean a dirty mouth premise by using "street" artist Goons to clean up... the streets. It's cool. Watch it. Then say hi to agency Evolution Bureau for coming up with it.

more »

by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online

Detroit--We Have Less Layoffs Than Those "Other" Guys?


Sorry, just trying out a headline or two. As part of a project to live in and report from Detroit for a year, Time Inc. asked five local ad agencies, to come up with ads answering the question: Why would anyone smart, young, and creative move to or stay in Detroit? why Detroit is a good place to live. Crowdsource that vote now before the ads run in Fortune next week. Two thoughts: 1) Too bad Time Inc. didn't ask residents who work for a living outside agency glass palaces for their ad ideas and 2) Cute how global shops are thought of as local! Ennyway, can you do better than these? Leave your lines in the comments-I know you will.

by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Announcements, Campaigns, Cause, Poster

A Marine Speaks, Brangelina Snakes, $1,000 Beer and a Greener NBC

- Spend five with this PSA, it's worth it.

- Friendly, enjoyable and good natured cash-back initiative--or riot

- Redskins will remain Redskins.

- Walk the Walk for Designism and bid on some cool artists' shoes.

- Surrendering to the Olympics.

- Calling all media all-star rock star freaks.

- At a $1,000 a bottle, drink this brew s-l-o-w.

- NBC goes green for primetime shows.

- It's about the Brangelina jewelery snakes people.

by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Announcements, Cause, Celebrity, Events