If Laughter is a Symphony ... Why Do I Have Chills?


This website, where you can make a symphony out of other people's laughter, is disturbing. I swept my mouse over a few faces by chance and am suffering from serious eek!-factor, probably because The Exorcist has warped my perspective of all things sweet and cuddly.

If you can get past the whole symphony-of-mirth thing, check out the cookbook for recipes like the Laughing Turkey Wrap. It might come in useful if you ever want to spark an intervention.

Created by Lowe Roche, Toronto for Laughing Cow, the site generates traffic from a print campaign with peel-away messages trussed up like pieces of cheese. See how pretty, even beside a pee stick?

by Angela Natividad    Apr-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Online, Strange

The Walls Don't Just Have Ears; They've Also Got Some Big-Ass Eyes


This is part of a four-sided pullout for Benjamin Moore's line of Aura paints. The first side reads, "Your life is your inspiration." The spread, which is here, reads, "Your walls are your canvas."

That's moving and all, but imagining the incorporeal faces of my ancestors staring out of my walls puts me way out of interior design mode. And more into, well, therapy mode.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 2-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine

I Thought It Was the Carnival, But It Was Just DHA Omega-3


Here's a really weird image from Real Simple for Life's DHA, a company that promotes consumption of DHA Omega-3 in products like Yoplait yogurt, Horizon Organic milk and Silk soymilk.

It's clear what they're trying to do with the whole "all stages of life" thing, but seeing this picture at a glance? It was scary. And for reasons I can't immediately explain, I thought of Delicatessen.

Might be the whole dark circus vibe.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 2-08    
Topic: Magazine, Strange

Maidenform Backless Bra Too Small For Busty Adrants Interns


Just what is it about guys and bras? It's like the subject comes up and we're in high school all over again, snapping the bra of the cute girl sitting next to us in social studies. Oh yes, breasts make boys (and men) do very stupid things. Sadly (or maybe not), snapping the back of a girl's bra may be a thing of the past if this backless bra from Maidenform takes off.

Created by ABC American Inventor contestant Elaine Cato, the bra is getting a big creative and media push from VIA Group, which will launch campaign "This Feels Right" with the tag "Out with the old, in with the new." Media will consist of women's magazine's, outdoor and online.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 2-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Online, Outdoor

In Case Your Inner Perv Craves Inspiration


Here's some randy creative for Hot Video by CLM BBDO, Paris. The piece at left reads "Don't worry, both candidates get the secretary job." Wallpaper-style background shares what-all went on between the lines.

Other statements that soothe in more ways than one:

o "In case you were wondering, the pool boy really cleans out the pool."
o "Yes, the plumber does fix the leaking pipe."
o "Just so you know, the girl next door does get the sugar she came for."
o "Eventually, the pizza delivery guy realizes none of the girls ordered a pizza."

The premise of the campaign is to tell you what happens at the end of Hot Video's porn-tastical videos, because they're all (tagline!) so good you won't get to the end.

Now that the dignity of every service worker you know has been ravaged, feel free (or not) to visit Hot Video. The site's totally SFW and far tamer than the advertising, if only because it makes no sense visually or otherwise.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-28-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine, Online, Poster, Racy, Strange

Men Lost in Hairy Jungle Saved by Miss Epil


Our first reaction after viewing these three new ads by Lowe Strateus for Miss Epil was "what the hell is that guy doing stuck in the jungle?" Then, we looked closer. We smiled. We giggled. We reminisced about similar experiences. Then, we said, "brilliant." With smartly crafted visuals, a product shot and a call to action-style tagline, these ads cut a clear path to simplicity of message. See all the ads here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-28-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Mother's Day Celebrated With Womanly Threshold Carry


A bit predictable what with the last 20 years of men taking shit for all those years they gave women shit but hey, let's not be bitter and just be grateful to all the mother's of the world this Renault ad aims to appreciate. Besides, what man wouldn't want to be carried into his new home after drinking too much at his wedding reception and sharing a little too much intimacy with that bridesmaid about which he's always fantasized.

Isn't Mother's Day like two months from now? And what's with calling it "Woman's Day?" Must be a bad Italian to English translation. The ad is from Publicis Roma, Italy. Do they even have Mother's Day in Italy?

by Steve Hall    Mar-25-08    
Topic: Magazine

Claussen Pickles Quench Oral Desires


If you prefer things stiffly erect and throbbing with fullness rather than things that are flaccidly limp and not up for anything fun then, according to this ad, Claussen is your brand of pickle. Why mess with a tired, spent pickle when you can have one that's ready to forcefully explode in your mouth with an orgasm of juicy flavor quenching your desire for spunky girth?

by Steve Hall    Mar-24-08    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Strange

Grab Your Bikinis Girls! 'Cosmo' Wants Your Body on the Beach!


If you're into girls wearing bikinis - 1200 of them - you might want to head to Nikki Beach in Miami on April 18. And if you are a girl, Cosmopolitan is looking for 1200 of you 18-34 who are willing to hang out with 1,200 other women dressed in bikinis for a photos shoot which, Cosmo hopes, will break Guinness World Records for the most people photographed on a beach. The current record is 1,000.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-24-08    
Topic: Events, Guerilla, Magazine

You Know You Want More Spitzer Fodder


In light of the public misery (and promotional creativity) that buying an expensive hooker can wreak, the PR team of 02138 magazine (a pub for "Harvard influentials") have seen fit to tell us that Monsieur and Madame Spitzer scored the cover for the "Power Couples" issue.

They were chosen for their "influential careers and continued commitment to maintaining a strong and lasting relationship" -- their words, not ours. (Can we get a quote on that from Hillary?) We're sure the choice has nothing to do with all the traffic they'll score from bored gossip-mongers that frequent sordid sites like ours.

Read the article -- and see more sappy grayscale images -- at the 02138 website.

Silda's hawt. (We hope we look like that, pre-op, after 40.) Why the compulsion to pay for the Grail, Eliot?

by Angela Natividad    Mar-23-08    
Topic: Magazine, Political, Trends and Culture